You know what's funny.. I'm originally from Montana.. we drive 50-60 MPH on icy highways and don't get I to wrecks.. because we grew up with it... there are some that wipe out... but
Down here in Port Arthur and Beaumont, it rains just a little, and people wipe out and kill themselves. . Skid into under passes...
Or when it rains heavily... they'll wipe out and take 6 or more people with em..
Yes part of it is the drivers... but ya wanna know the big difference... its how we keep our vehicles up, in Montana.. you don't want to risk breaking down in subzero weather... and you can't drive on snow and ice with bald tires...(actually you can and it's fun as hell) but most can't..
People down here drive hoopties... they buy a car, even if its new, and drive it until something breaks. Then depending on cost, they either have it fixed or but another cheap car, or a new one...
They don't realize that you're supposed to keep up a vehicle for a reason.. its not the lack of money... its knowledge or lack there of. For some.. yeah it could be money.. but I was dirt poor once.. and I'm dang proud of it...but my life and the lives of people around me... were important enough for me to learn what needed to be done..and make sure it got done...
Sorry... off my soapbox... but that's something I needed to get off my chest.
