They are starting to see a drop in sales already. Cause a lot of people have switched to HTC or Samsung because they unlock their bootloaders, Even people who loved their Droid phones, have switched, even tho they didn't want to not use whichever Droid they had, cause they are great phones, but the unlocked bootloader is worth switching manufactures for. And I really believe moto is starting to see this. So we just gotta keep up the petitions and other things were doing to show them the facts and especially that its in their best interest to unlock the bootloader, it will increase their sells and profits and customer base as well as keep exsisting customers from jumping ship. So as soon as they see all that, they will come around. I have faith in that fact.
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Well I hope that they have an unlocked bootloader on a phone by may or june. Maybe they're delaying the droid bionic to unlock it? Not probable but possible. Keep hopes up everyone!
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I'm hoping that when they decide to unlock the bootloader that there will be a way to make the phones we already own have an unlocked bootloader. Like hopefully thru a software update that will send a new signature to the bootloader and permanently unlock it. But if not, at least the next moto phone I get will be unlocked if they do agree to unlock them from now on. Which like I said, I have a lot of faith that they will! And If they do, then I will be a moto customer for a long time to come. But if they don't do it by the time I am eligable for upgrade again, then HTC here I come. Or maybe even Samsung cause I read an article on Engadget saying that Samsung has agreed to continue to keep their bootloaders unlocked. But they will have to come out with something that is better then the Galaxy S. Cause right now the Glaxay S is an awesome phone from what I've heard and from what I've experienced playing around on my buddies, but HTC has some better ones. And my Droid X is better then all of em in my opinion. Well except the screen. OLED screens are beautiful. That's the only thing (besides the locked bootloader obviously lol) that dissapointed me about the Droid X. But I'm sure Moto will start going with OLED soon. Which speaking off, anyone know what kind of screen the Xoom has?
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