@pilot25... infinite problems? What other issues are you having?
I just posted a thread about the phone not waking up what to do. I and a few others are having issues where the phone goes into some crash mode.. or sleep mode, and wont turn on without a battery pop. I joined this forum because of it, hoping many others were having this.. so far only two others. I called verizon today and they are sending me a new phone. I did not try a hard reset tho, or replacing the SDHC card to see if that was the issue. I personally didn't want to QA this phone.
I don't know if verizon or moto monitors these forums, but I am sure if enough of you call in to verizon or take the phones back, they'll start seeing more and more entries into their system and word will get out. It wont be a one week thing tho. It takes time to diagnose, try to fix and test issues like these, and then sending out an update right away wont be so easy as well. As far as I know, the updates we may get are Android based and not phone based. So I would guess the next update we get is Dec 11 from what i've seen on these forums. It's to fix the camera issue, and probably other things.