Cannas, try these steps. Starts with getting back to stock .211 which you may want to do to play it safe...but it continues to rooting and installing safestrap.
Going back to stock .211:
*On your pc, download and install Matt's Razr Utility 1.8 or 1.81 or 1.82. You can find 1.82 here:
Droid Razr Utility 1.82 [Windows] For Verizon Droid Razr And Droid Razr Maxx Only -
*Extract that utility to its own folder on your must extract the file on your pc. It will not work from your phone.
*After the utility is extracted, go to the Motorola drivers folder in the utility and make sure you have the latest Motorola drivers installed on your pc.
*If you are able, make sure your phone is set to usb debugging mode (menu>system setting>developer options).
*Power your phone off. Then power your phone on while holding down your power, the volume up and volume down buttons simultaneously.
*Connect your phone to your computer with the factory supplied usb cable.
*On your phone select AP Fastboot, then in the utility select option 1..."restore phone to stock .211. Do not unplug the usb cable until the utility finishes.
*When competed your phone should reboot to stock .211.
*After running option 1, restart phone to make sure all is fine.
Install the .215 leak:
*check to make sure usb debugging mode is checked (menu-> system setting-> developer options).
*Then in settings, go to “Security" and check “Unknown sources."
*install the .215 leak following instructions here:
Root your of Razr or Razr Maxx:
*Simple step by step instructions for rooting using Mattlgroff's utility (use the same utility that you used to go back to stock) can be found on post #89 here:
*If you plan on installing roms, install safestrap instead of bootstrap.
*Once safestrap is installed, follow the steps in quidot's thread to prepare safestrap's safe and non-safe side so you are ready for those roms...