follow instructions to a T ... it works ..
follow instructions to a T ... it works ..
why whould i right click with shift key? yea i did.. when i hit the ... dots only thing that pops up is documents in the window thing and under it is wont say s flash at the bottom cornordid you hold down the shift key when you right clicked rsdlite? then click the (...) dots
1. Go to your computer
2. Make sure your phone is charged to 100%
3. On your computer download rsdlite...
4. Download full sbf droid2global file from droidlife(make sure its full and not just system)
5. Make sure you have the correct drivers installed(you will know when you open rsdlite and plug phone to computer)
6. Unzip the sbf file to desktop and then drag to rsdlite folder and drop in the correct place wherever you put it, remember.)
7. Hit the ... button on the rsdlite program and choose your file..
8. With full battery, open your keyboard and hold power and will enter a black screen(bootloader) it should say ok to program)
9. Hiit start and wait untill the program says, reboot your phone manualy..
If you get confused, youtube has several tutorials....
Hope this helps!
My D2 is miles ahead of me running Cm7GB(OTAkernel)
yea pimp i had it all...just couldnt get the rsd prgram to say s flash in that little slotis your phone plugged into your computer? do you have the motorola drivers on your computer? do you have rsd lite 4.9 installed on your computer?
yea there is....but the files in the video to click on is not there