load up RSDLite (run as administrator)
Power off the phone, Turn it on holding the UP ARROW key on the hardware keyboard should see a very different screen.
Plug in the phone that screen should say USB
Choose the SBF file you want to flash in RSD (.330 works best)
on the RSD light window you sould see a device listed on port #1 If not unplug and replug in the phone.
Once you see a device hit the start button. Let it go and do it's thing, it will eventually say rebooting phone.
When you see the press android you have completed the SBF proccess.
If you bootloop (keep seeing the droid animation over and over:
Turn off the phone (Battery Pull)
Hold down the x key on the hardware keyboard and power up the unit
When you see the triangle press the search key on the hardware keyboard (Magnifying glass)
Wipe Cache and Data
Now you should have a stock install of MotoBlur .330
To Install the GB leak (needed to run the latest CM7 for GB base -best version out there):
Download the leak.7z (.606 or .607) found on RootWiki
You will need to rename the file update.zip and copy it to the root of your SDcard
Power down the phone
Hold the X key and power up.
Select install update.zip
Let it do it's thing...When it's done reboot
You should now have the stock Moto GingerBlur.
Root it using the D3 Root one click.
Install D2 Bootstrapper
When you see success go into recovery mode, Flash CM74GB, Gapps Wipe Data and Cache, reboot!
You have the RSDLite and SBF stuff, All the other stuff I mentioned can be found on RootWiki (and probably here somewhere with the exception of CM7 and Gapps)