Post your best battery life here! stock or extended

Using Liquid Thunderbread 2.3 with MR2 OTA radio; stock battery.
CPU set to Smartass governor @245 MHz - 1024 Mhz

ETA: I left the LTE on the entire time I wasn't using wifi.
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using Juice Defender, after being unplugged for 12 hours a day and used for maybe 1 or 2 phone calls, 4 or 5 text messages, 4 or 5 email checks, and 4 or 5 Facebook checks, my battery has usually dropped to about 40%. not as long lasting as some other phones I've had, but none of those had as big of a screen or as fast of a processor, so it doesn't bother me

anytime I'm just going to be sitting on the phone with the screen on and using data though, I'm plugged in, because I know how fast that can suck a battery dry... constant use even on only 3g can drain it in an hour easily
Love phone. Hate battery life

So I just joined this site so I could look at, and discuss with, others their experiences with the Thunderbolt.

Bought mine in June. Absolutely love the phone. My first smart phone so it wasn't hard to be impressed. But even comparing it to phones my friends have I'm sure I made the right choice. EXCEPT the stupid battery life.

If I just use the phone to answer/send a few texts during day and maybe read a few things on the web, I can get maybe 6-7 hrs. If I use it steadily I'm lucky to get 3 hrs. That's just not cool.

Looked into the extended life batteries but they make the phone look like some kind of mutant. Plus, it makes me mad that I'd have to pay more money to get a battery to give me the kind of use I should have to begin with.

Looked through the posts here and there are a lot of suggestions. I'll be trying these the next few days. The first one I want to try though is doing something to rein in the power used by the stupid Blockbuster app. Saw a post about that but I can't find a way to update the app or a way to change the settings.

Anyone have any suggestions on what to do with it?

Thanks in advance.
Okay, so I guess I will be the stick in the mud here, but why? I would never put my phone into airplane mode to keep my battery for a longer period of time. Anything over a day is just ridiculous, its not hard to charge it up while you are sleeping.

First charge on my HTC 2650mah and I am at 14 hours with 25% remaining, using everything without restriction including 4G, Synergy GB
Das BAMF RC4.9, Imoysen kernel, overclocked to 1344/245 with no screen off profile.

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^^ Yikes!!

Edit: Not sure why the pics look like poo but, I have 54% after 13hrs and 23 mins.

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