They alternate between corn and soy beans. Their combines have to be the coolest things in the world! Using gps those behemoth machines drive themselves back and forth across the fields. At the same time it's keeping track of the yields during harvest. If the yield is low in a particular spot, they'll use the gps coordinates to go out and take a soil sample. Then the fertilizer machine (sorry, not a farmer and don't know the correct term) will be programmed to put in more/less/whatever it needs in that exact spot as it drives by.
They put all the stuff in their 15 or so giant silos and wait patiently while they watch the price. As soon as it hits a certain price, that place comes alive and there are trucks in and out of there 24/7 hauling it down to the Toledo port.
Watching that place operate is amazing, but at the same time, after living here for six years, I understand why the small farmers are going under, and the big farmers are getting bigger. The small farms don't have a chance!
Current weather: 31 degrees, sustained winds around 30mph, gusts to 60mph. Typical.
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