I can't imagine not being admin on my pc and network but I've been leery to jump in with my phone because it runs great and I don't have an issue with things like battery life. So I don't have any real positive push to do it. But more influential has been the negative, of seeing how many people write in with problems either initially or in subsequent upgrades.
I can see that most all of them are because people did things they shouldn't have - like delete instead of freeze apps. Or so I've read. I love my phone and wouldn't want to make the same mistake these folks did because I didn't know what I was doing would cause problems. I'm sure they didn't know either which is obviously the problem: you don't know what you don't know.
So I'm still just learning about all this and appreciate the info.
That's how I feel too, also it would be a pain if something happened to my device when I was on the road... how would a go back to stock so I could prevent getting charged?? Carry a laptop you say??? Lol, not with all of the other gear I have to carry