I've done this and now my nase band is gone I have no cell service and restoring doesn't bring it back, I've whiped cleared everything over and over again but nothing brings it back anyone out there that can help?
i need help guys. I updated to .901 and then tried to apply Kin3ctx. i lost data so i tried to use this to get back to stock and i got Ap fastboot failure. So right now i have a brick. Anyone know how to help? or can this possibly be updated to use the .901 system to reflash. Big thanks to anyone that can help b/c i am very scared right now. Once again any help would be appreciated!!!
Hmm, interesting. On OS X, and tried this at least 10 times - have system 893:
Code:By Your Command (1-8): 2 Rooting and ForeverRooting a non-rooted Bionic ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ready to root, install busybox, su, Superuser.apk along with the Forever Root hack. Make sure you have done the following: 1. On your Bionic under Menu -> Settings -> Applications-> Development USB Development must be checked/enabled. 2. The USB cable must be plugged into your Bionic and PC. 3. Set your USB connection to 'Charge Only' mode(Mac) on your Bionic (if it hangs, try setting it to 'PC Mode') Ready to root your Droid Bionic when you are. Press enter to continue. Waiting to connect to phone... Attempting zergRush root exploit. 1721 KB/s (23052 bytes in 0.013s) [**] Zerg rush - Android 2.2/2.3 local root [**] (C) 2011 Revolutionary. All rights reserved. [**] Parts of code from Gingerbreak, (C) 2010-2011 The Android Exploid Crew. [+] Found a GingerBread ! 0x00016118 [*] Scooting ... [*] Sending 149 zerglings ... [*] Sending 189 zerglings ... [+] Zerglings found a way to enter ! 0x18 [+] Overseer found a path ! 0x000161e0 [*] Sending 189 zerglings ... [+] Zerglings caused crash (good news): 0x40122c5c 0x0074 [*] Researching Metabolic Boost ... [+] Speedlings on the go ! 0xafd25ac9 0xafd39877 [*] Sending 185 zerglings ... [-] Bad luck, our rush did not succeed :( Waiting for Bionic to enter correct USB state You can enter Ctrl-C at anytime to exit this program and start over *** ERROR - Phone may not have been rooted *** Try rebooting your phone and running this again to root it.
Any ideas? Thanks!
Same thing happened to me. OSX 10.6.8, stock, non rooted Bionic, .893.
this method has been superseded by the pathsaver, read through this thread Bionic Path Saver 1-Click Method for all the details
im dont know how to apply it to osx, hopefully you do lol
So I just did the OTA update, pretty much put the phone back to stock... When I go to root the phone using Motorooter on Max OS X, I select option 2 and it just hangs... Option 1 works fine but for some reason I cant get the phone to root, It just hangs saying waiting for phone to connect, have tried all the different USB modes, the only one that actually does anything is USB mass storage mode, Charge only and PC Mode the computer will not see the phone... Any thoughts? I need to be rooted again I have so much stuff on TiBu that needs to get restored. Thanks in advance!
Updated your drivers?
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I am on a Mac I didnt think motorola had drivers for a mac... option 1 works but it just wants to hang when I try and root it and forever root with option 2... Are there drivers for the mac i need to get?
So I just did the OTA update, pretty much put the phone back to stock... When I go to root the phone using Motorooter on Max OS X, I select option 2 and it just hangs... Option 1 works fine but for some reason I cant get the phone to root, It just hangs saying waiting for phone to connect, have tried all the different USB modes, the only one that actually does anything is USB mass storage mode, Charge only and PC Mode the computer will not see the phone... Any thoughts? I need to be rooted again I have so much stuff on TiBu that needs to get restored. Thanks in advance!
this never happened before the other 20 times ive had to do this , any idea anyone ?ERROR: MORE THAN ONE DEVICE AND EMULATOR
OMG!!! i dont know what happened!!! i tried to UNROOT my bionic. and screwedit up, now im stuck at fastboot screen when i try to power up. the only way to use the phone is to go into the phone (with vol+ & vol-) and choose normal power up. can some one PLEASE direct me to the right file to flash a STOCK system? i have used the folowing pages, and have no success...
th[/URL]a[/URL]ts just some of the pages ive been to. i've tried them all and have no success...
im getting disparate here... :-(
Did you even read the original post? Flashing the stock system is one of the options that's built into the script.
Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums