Back at ya RK! Merry Christmas!@donzz yep you are right dont need it , thanks a million brother , wishing you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year .. blessings to you & yours ... peace
Back at ya RK! Merry Christmas!@donzz yep you are right dont need it , thanks a million brother , wishing you a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year .. blessings to you & yours ... peace
Running on an iMac I get "Bad luck, our rush did not succeed". Any suggestions? I've restarted my phone, run the program multiple times, tried in PC mode but it wouldn't even see the phone..... Not sure what else to try. Thinking about choosing the option to restore the phone and then root, but don't really want to lose all my apps and data. My phone has not been rooted yet. Tried Z4 root and it didn't work- not sure if that's causing issues. Also tried a SuperUser program which also didn't work.
first get Titanium Backup with the pro key and back up all your apps so you never lose them again .. the error message you got i got as well yesterday , i believe i just restarted everything and it worked fine , someone im sure will help you here ..
Have you tried this one already?if not,do this: while on boot loop(after flashing the Liberty3 2.0)pull the battery out and put it back,by doing this,you'll be back in CWR,wipe data and reboot.this did everything just great , i was able to go back to stock , then root / then grab the OTA update and now my phone has great DATA and Battery Life is an awesome plus ... however I keep seeing people saying that they have been able to put Liberty back on their phone with their new update . keeping their new radio & kernals ofcourse ... but why have i had to use 43v3r root 11 x to reset because i flashed and got stuck in boot loop or flash failed .. can anyone help me out here .. ? or do i just wait for a liberty update .... big props to dhacker29 for this
no i never thought of pulling battery
'reboot' is not recognized as an internal or external command,operable program or batch file ....what does that mean
well now i switched to safe strap , didnt know of it till today ... after i had to reset 11x i gave up ... either they update liberty for us , or i find out how to deodex my phone manually .. whichever comes first lol ...RK,are you using Safestrap or bionic bootstrap?