In attempting to root my non-rooted Bionic running stock .893 purchased yesterday, I had some issues. There were a number of failures when launching the R3l3AS3DRoot.bat (can be found in the attachment). I chose option 2 and saw the following errors:
*sending 185 zerglings
-bad luck, our rush did not succeed
when I hit a key to continue, I received the following:
*Installing busybox, su, and SuperUser apk...
remount failed: Operation not permitted
failed to copy 'busybox' to /system/xbin/busybox' : Read-only file system
failed to copy 'su' to /system/xbin/su' : Read-only file system
then it appears the Superuser.apk unpackages
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/su: No such file or directory
Unable to chmod /system/xbin/busybox: No such file or directory
/system/xbin/busybox: not found
link failed Read-only file system
Unable to chmod /data: Operation not permitted
*Installing 43V3R Root...
failed to copy '' to '/system/bin/ Read-only file system
Unable to chmod /system/bin/ Read-only file system
*All done! Your phone should now be 43V3R rooted!
I tried rooting today and got the same results. I have version .893 installed. Anyone with some advice?
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