I think any of these would be nice and I am leaning heavily toward buying the RAZR in a couple of weeks. I haven't pre-ordered it yet as I want to put it in my hands first, but I may cave and just order it now (if they are still available). One thing I cannot understand is people's affinity for cameras on phones. In my estimation, none of them are that great if you are actually into photography, or even just want decent pictures of the family posing in front of the fireplace at Christmas. A razor thin $200 point-and-shoot is far, far better. Something like the Canon PowerShot Elph 300HS (which I have) will smoke any of these and is smaller than all of them (and is $179 at Amazon). Especially if you're a woman and carry a purse, why not throw this thing in there? My wife and I have a 3 year old son and if I had to rely on getting pictures with my DROID I wouldn't have many, and I don't think this would be any different if I had one of the upcoming DROIDS. Taking photographs of kids requires something substantially faster than any of these devices (I use a Nixon D80 DSLR). And taking pictures inside, at night, in less-than-ideal light, requires a much better camera and flsh if you want a picture without a lot of noise. Switching lenses to fit the situation is also a huge plus if you want a quality shot. Can't do that on a cellphone. Can't even control any of the settings. It's auto-only, and that works fine outside on a sunny day, but anywhere else... I just find cameras on phones to be of little real use for pictures that I want for a lifetime. Pictures of my buddies doing a keg stand are probably equally "good" from any of these new DROIDS or an iPhone or whatever, but none of these phone cameras can hold a candle to a real camera, IMO.