I do miss a good keyboard. If the D4 performs anything like the RAZR it will be an awesome handset.. I secretly want a D4 tho![]()
I agree. But at the same time...I do try to give credit where credit is due. Samsung for the most part makes a nice device overall, even if it isnt as good in some areas as other phones. **thats the case with ANY phone. No phone is perfect** They are usually great in the multimedia dept. They usually are a step ahead in the screen, cpu/gpu dept, and have decent features. Last year I was on the verge of getting a Fascinate to go along with my Droid X1...just based on features and specs....lol. I wish I woulda got in on the family plan deals they had last year...If you look at the Galaxy S 1, 2, Nexus S, Charge ppl liked them for more than just the ROMs. Next to the Nexus S they all pretty much were open as far as ROMs.
IF Verizon markets the G Nex as good as they do Droid phones...it could have tremendous sales. IF Verizon markets it right, it can appeal to the masses. It has the specs and features to appeal to the masses already. Most of these Android phones do. Even tho the G Nex will be a dev phone, out the box, unrooted it can and should have major appeal to the masses. Most might get it just because its by Samsung. Most might get it based on having good experiences with past Samsung phones.
So to say most will get it cuz its a Nexus and good for ROMs...I feel thats selling it a lil short IMO. If it wasnt a Nexus it would still be a great phone. If it had a encrypted bootloader it would still be a great phone.
The RAZR isn't better then Nexus and the Nexus isn't better then the RAZR. Want to know why? Its because everyone has there opinions. Some people will think the RAZR is way better and others will think the Nexus is way better. To me I think the Nexus is better for me because its the best phone to root and rom, is a pure Google experience, has a amazing screen, and will get updates first.
Very good post jroc. To say this phone is better than that phone is subjective. The only time things like this come into question is when one phone suffers from hardware and software issues. If phone X has screen issues and plaqued by random reboots and phone Y just works the argument could be made that phone Y is better. Other than that it's all just personal OPINION.
Fact of the matter is that all these new phones are pretty phenomenal. I don't think there is a weak one in the line-up. I will say though that the RAZR stands out from the crowd because of one simple thing. It's a big thing though. Innovation. There is not a phone out or coming out (that we know of) that comes close to it's hardware (shell/materials/thinness) innovation.
What's wrong with ICS? How long have you been trying it out for?
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Agreed. However, the shape of the glass and the type of glass, unless they do something new and better, are just design as well.Thinness isn't innovation. Its design.
Says who? How well it sells, will have a lot to do with how big of a push it gets. Right now, VZW is giving the RAZR a massive push.Cant say the same about the nexus. Its the most anticipated phone for 2011.
Agree about Samsung vs. Moto phones and reception. So far its been that way before Android even came out. Dating back to a Moto E815 and Samsung u740...
And when those Tegra 3 phones start getting close to release date....you will hear folks saying the G Nex is "outdated" Its almost getting as bad as the PC market.