I had a jailbroken iphone. There was nothing to worry about when jailbreaking an iphone because there is like a .0000000001 chance of something bad happening, but it seems like a lot more problems can happen from rooting the droid.
I want to root to be able to run at 800mhz and have all the 2.1 stuff. I don't have any insurance on my phone, so if I bricked it, that would be it.
1. How likely would it be to brick it?
2. Is there an exact step by step guide on rooting?
3. Can I go back to stock if I need to?
4. Have there been any reports of overheating at 800mhz?
5. Is there an app that shows the temperature that the phone is running at (to make sure it doesn't get too hot)?
I was scared the first time I had sex. You get over being scared pretty quickly.
I wasn't, because I didn't have to pay for it after I was done.
It didn't cost me that much.
