Steel Droid3: 1.0 is working well here. After figuring out I needed to activate the phone, all was good. I miss the email app tho. I have the accounts on my phone so it shows when I have email, but I can't check it. I'm not trying to offend anyone either, but I dislike k-9 mail, UI is kinda worse. I also miss having my office software as well, considering I use my phone for work and I'm an I.T. Tech.
EDIT: Oh, and the bootup animation could use some work. I know you can do better than that, lol!
Gmail can be replaced via Android Market. The stock plain email app is gone. Boot-animation can always be changed.
naisanceUSB Option is gone???!!!
When I follow the step chevy posted ..
After #9 , my phone lost USB options, it only charging ...
Help!!! I cant connect with computer ! I cant root my phone
Please anybody
I haven't heard of that happening to anyone else. I recommend changing computers/usb ports/cables and making sure that USB Debugging is checked.
macdaddy123Hi i went to flash the XML file to my droid 3 that was already rooted and had the clockwork recovery. The flash fails at step 3/18, i have found someone who had the same problem but don't understand how he fixed it. I also can't boot past the screen after you press and hold the vol+ and - buttons when powering on. Here is the thread over at XDA .. Any help would be great and sorry for the worst post befor i was frustrated
Mine failed as well. I just had to restart the phone and run it in AP Fast boot and start over. Try holding "M" instead of the Vol+ and Vol-, it is easier.
I'm already rooted and have CWM on my D3, I was curious if I could attempt flashing the Rom safely? I did notice that the version number is newer than what my D3 shows, is that the leaked OTA? Should I unroot and go from square one or try flashing over what I've got? Thanks.:blink:
First you should back up your rom on your phone using CWM. Be sure that your backup goes to your EXTERNAL SD *RSD WILL WIPE ALL OF YOUR INTERNAL SD CARD FILES*. Then go through and RSD flash to the newest version, otherwise this won't work. Then after the phone boots go through a couple moto start up settings so that the USB will connect. Follow the instructions from there. :happy:
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