well im stuck right now, and i really need someones help, my phone is stuck at fastboot, i think that is what it is called, its not clockwork but the original, well that is the main problem, im not new to rooting but i am just having difficultly here. RSDlite fails on me on the first step and i cant install the xml, but somehow the 3rd time it went to step 13 and failed, so i dcant use my phone because of that, id really appreciate some help here I dont know how long i can survive without my phone when i have to deal with work and college lol. also does the phone charge? bcuz i had it plugged in all night and it says low battery on fastboot.
Make sure that you are using the original factory cable. Try flashing another RSD. Try both versions, re-download them you may have a corrupt file somewhere. I had to try the newest RSD leak twice before it would install. If that doesn't work try another usb port, or another computer.