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Something is definitely going on with my phone idle and cell standby. Its at the top for past 4 days 20-37% maybe this is the battery issues we have been having.
Im not sure if this has been answered yet but I havent been able to get on to the NFL mobile app since installing steel droid v1 or v2. Not sure if this is something that anyone else has had a problem with or if there is a fix. Whenever I try opening the app it just gives me a force close screen. Any help would be a appreciated. Thanks
Something is definitely going on with my phone idle and cell standby. Its at the top for past 4 days 20-37% maybe this is the battery issues we have been having.
Something is definitely going on with my phone idle and cell standby. Its at the top for past 4 days 20-37% maybe this is the battery issues we have been having.
Mine has been consistently at 5% for the past few days on this ROM. I've just started checking that because it's come up a few times.
Not sure what's up with yours though. You might consider some research on what stats you might need to wipe to resolve this. Or as another has suggested, flash a different ROM and see if that works.
I think I'm going to try out Monster ROM..did you have to restore back to stock rom or did you just flash Monster over Steel? So many things about this confuse me..
Phone been on since last night I restarted it. Took it off the charger a few mins ago.
Display is 70-80% but the cell standby has gone down. View attachment 41277