Replacement Nexus

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I say let's both contact corporate... I know I went to a corporate store, and it sounds like you did too, so when a CS Supervisor GUARANTEES a "Brand New In Box" phone as a replacement, specifically a "BNIB Galaxy Nexus, not a Certified Like New Replacement", he is speaking for the company... The same company that owns the store!

The same store that kept offering me empty promises of a "fix", but as soon as my 30-Holiday-Warranty was up they won't give me the time of day!

How many other companies do you know that would treat someone like this, 5-7 weeks after spending $300 cash and signing a 2yr contract, and already having been a customer for TWELVE YEARS? Not just a customer, but someone whose plan includes five phones, unlimited minutes, unlimited text, and unlimited MMS on each, as well as Unlimited Data plans on 3/5? IT IS A LOT OF MONEY!

I even told the guy at the store (perhaps untruthfully) that ATT, Sprint, and T-Mobile had ALL offered to BUY OUT my contract from Verizon (it was true 3 years ago...), and based on my 12yr history of staying with one company had offered me 3mo FREE SERVICE identical to what I was getting from Verizon (unlimited everything), they would Guarantee For Life "Unlimited Data, regardless of form, on all phones under ******'s account, beginning immediately and will remain in effect (with no throttling) INDEFINITELY, regardless of corporate/company policy changes"... On top of that, two of the three offered me 5 free "Top-of-the-Line" Smartphones, while the other offered me $200 towards a new phone, per number, every 18mo for the next 12 years...
Seriously. I turned it down, because 3yrs ago, they all pretty much sucked.

I still have the unsigned contracts around here somewhere, and I do know that they DO NOT have any expiration date! I wonder what VZW would say if I walked in with them?

Anyway, I don't want to make threats that I don't yet want to follow through with. It's really ironic, because I have the best phone available in North America, and up until I got the phone I was 99% satisfied with Verizon... Now that I have this phone, Verizon has taken a nosedive in customer service quality.

I am going to call and call and call tomorrow and Monday, until I get someone to do something that works for me: either a refund for the entire MSRP of the phone (not what I paid, I mean the whole $700), a BRAND NEW replacement shipped to me under the condition that my current phone doesn't have to be postmarked for shipping until until AT LEAST 10 days after receiving the new unit, FREE UNLIMITED DATA for the duration of my new contract since they sh*tty service only lets me use it half the time (without losing the grandfathered-in Unltd Data paid), or $700 credit towards my billing cycle.
I will tell them that if ONE MORE PERSON tells me "Well, we can give you a BRAND NEW RAZOR MAXX, but sorry, no Galaxy Nexus", that I will contact Samsung, VZW Corporate, and the Better Business Bureau immediately.

I am normally a person who avoids conflict, but I consider it only right to fight back when someone is bending me over like this...

now thats what im talking about, go and bite verizon in the ass!!! their customer is crap now and they dont give a darn about the end consumer and partially dont seem to give a crap about some of the crap products theyve been pumping out lately. So yea, go ahead and contact corporate, let them know cus if u dont itll only get worse!!

sometimes i wonder how companies get so big with so much bs going on with them....

Simple, we (the consumers) keep buying their products and end up buying into their BS.......If we could live without our devices no problem, haha yea right. We're subject to our own needs and wants. Keeping up with the latest technology has a price, as we all know. Unfortunately we are all subject to big companies raking us over the coals as long as we keep spending money on the product. If I have problems with a company I am dealing with (let's say VZW hypothetically speaking) and I am not getting the service I should be, I will push till I get a resolution. Because without me and (us the consumer) their is no "BIG" Red or whoever. I agree that with the amount of money we spend on these phones, a high end device like this should get an equal/equivalent replacement.
I Actually agree with you Kmo, Sorry I didn't reply until now. You were probably like, Dang this guy makes a stand and then doesn't reply, what did VZW do to him!.

no jk. lol, anyway. I'm planning on writing a letter to the CEO/Corporate office of Verizon and the US Corporate office of Samsung. I Don't think that it's fair that EVEN within my 14 days, I have to get someone else's piece of crap, and then Crap from my service provider. If this was something I bought at Best Buy, They'd have it replaced for me within one year of buying, and would give me the same thing brand new!.

Verizon needs to understand they are a company. and we are customers. My mom has had our account since BEFORE they were Verizon, since they were Airtouch. and this is how they treat their long term members. It's really Un-Fair. I'm sure I won't get a reply to either corporate offices, but it's worth a shot.
Get your phones from Best Buy. I am on my third phone. Each one was brand new. All they did was open the cabinet behind them and pulled out a brand new white box with that brand new phone smell. There was no arguing, no fussing, the kid just listened to my problem and did the exchange. In and out in ten minutes. So far so good on my third one.

Both previous were returned within the 30 day return/exchange period.
I Actually agree with you Kmo, Sorry I didn't reply until now. You were probably like, Dang this guy makes a stand and then doesn't reply, what did VZW do to him!.

no jk. lol, anyway. I'm planning on writing a letter to the CEO/Corporate office of Verizon and the US Corporate office of Samsung. I Don't think that it's fair that EVEN within my 14 days, I have to get someone else's piece of crap, and then Crap from my service provider. If this was something I bought at Best Buy, They'd have it replaced for me within one year of buying, and would give me the same thing brand new!.

Verizon needs to understand they are a company. and we are customers. My mom has had our account since BEFORE they were Verizon, since they were Airtouch. and this is how they treat their long term members. It's really Un-Fair. I'm sure I won't get a reply to either corporate offices, but it's worth a shot.

I to have been vz since essentially 93, through all of the buyout and name changes. It is a shame, but they have to many customers to really care about any of them, no matter how long or how much you spend per month. They know if you go, five more are signing up as soon as you leave. Plus, where are we going to go, att, sprint, tmo. I don't think so. I stick with best buy and avoid vz even for accessories.
I say let's both contact corporate... I know I went to a corporate store, and it sounds like you did too, so when a CS Supervisor GUARANTEES a "Brand New In Box" phone as a replacement, specifically a "BNIB Galaxy Nexus, not a Certified Like New Replacement", he is speaking for the company... The same company that owns the store!

The same store that kept offering me empty promises of a "fix", but as soon as my 30-Holiday-Warranty was up they won't give me the time of day!

How many other companies do you know that would treat someone like this, 5-7 weeks after spending $300 cash and signing a 2yr contract, and already having been a customer for TWELVE YEARS? Not just a customer, but someone whose plan includes five phones, unlimited minutes, unlimited text, and unlimited MMS on each, as well as Unlimited Data plans on 3/5? IT IS A LOT OF MONEY!

I even told the guy at the store (perhaps untruthfully) that ATT, Sprint, and T-Mobile had ALL offered to BUY OUT my contract from Verizon (it was true 3 years ago...), and based on my 12yr history of staying with one company had offered me 3mo FREE SERVICE identical to what I was getting from Verizon (unlimited everything), they would Guarantee For Life "Unlimited Data, regardless of form, on all phones under ******'s account, beginning immediately and will remain in effect (with no throttling) INDEFINITELY, regardless of corporate/company policy changes"... On top of that, two of the three offered me 5 free "Top-of-the-Line" Smartphones, while the other offered me $200 towards a new phone, per number, every 18mo for the next 12 years...
Seriously. I turned it down, because 3yrs ago, they all pretty much sucked.

I still have the unsigned contracts around here somewhere, and I do know that they DO NOT have any expiration date! I wonder what VZW would say if I walked in with them?

Anyway, I don't want to make threats that I don't yet want to follow through with. It's really ironic, because I have the best phone available in North America, and up until I got the phone I was 99% satisfied with Verizon... Now that I have this phone, Verizon has taken a nosedive in customer service quality.

I am going to call and call and call tomorrow and Monday, until I get someone to do something that works for me: either a refund for the entire MSRP of the phone (not what I paid, I mean the whole $700), a BRAND NEW replacement shipped to me under the condition that my current phone doesn't have to be postmarked for shipping until until AT LEAST 10 days after receiving the new unit, FREE UNLIMITED DATA for the duration of my new contract since they sh*tty service only lets me use it half the time (without losing the grandfathered-in Unltd Data paid), or $700 credit towards my billing cycle.
I will tell them that if ONE MORE PERSON tells me "Well, we can give you a BRAND NEW RAZOR MAXX, but sorry, no Galaxy Nexus", that I will contact Samsung, VZW Corporate, and the Better Business Bureau immediately.

I am normally a person who avoids conflict, but I consider it only right to fight back when someone is bending me over like this...

It's customers like you that make our lives hell. You call and start screaming stuff like that, when none of us reps have the power to do anything about it. Only tech support can authorize a new device, unless you want it to push back your upgrade date. And when you bring up all of that contract offer stuff, we are going to think you are bsing, even if you show it to us. Because you'd be the only one ever to get one of those, and most VZW reps know about the other call centers or have worked there before, and realize it's take a tier 5 manager,which don't stay in local call centers, to honor that. But we aren't allowed to tell you this because you're a long time customer

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
Replace your device yeah refurbished ....whatever as long as it works properly .......stop crying like a school girl

Mr. Colwell's Droid Razr MAXX
I always enjoy reading about self-entitled ego maniacs. It's Verizon's fault YOU didn't opt to go to another VZW store and have your handset looked at. I hope they laugh in your face when you make your idiotic ridiculous demands. You've been with a company for 12 years. Pat yourself on the back and boost your ego even more so that the whole universe will revolve around you and not just Verizon.

You chose to not force the issue earlier. It's your own fault. If I was the store manager I'd pay the ETF on every line out of pocket just so none of my employees had to deal with a person like you.
I don't understand how some of you are standing up for a company that is screwing people over?

For the record, I have never yelled, shouted, screamed, or used any foul language with ANY customer service representatives. I am an intelligent person, and I am also a reasonable person; I am not a sociopath who thinks that the world needs to bow down and give me whatever I want. I do not put any blame on the customer service call centers, in fact it is they who I have had the best experiences with! Every person I have talked to over the phone has been pleasant, friendly, understanding, and compassionate. I am venting here, yes, because I know I am not the only person with these issues. However, what I type here and how I speak to the people on the phone or in the store are very different.

Also, I just want to make clear: I was told, by the Supervisor I spoke with, that he would be more than happy to put a note in my account that I am to receive a brand new phone, specifically NOT a refurb, and that it should be easily taken care of at any Verizon store. I went to the one closest to my house, and they said they couldn't do anything because they weren't a corporate store. I went to a corporate store and they told me I needed to go to the one where my phone was purchased. Finally, I went to the one where my phone was purchased, and that was when I started being treated like an idiot; I was professional, courteous, and did not "demand" anything (nor did I bring up having been a customer for any length of time, etc, I simply stated that "I feel that it is not acceptable to have purchased a device that does not function properly, having paid full retail and signing a new contract, only to be ignored the moment my "warranty" expired especially considering I am paying extra each month for the extended protection plan").

This has not been a short experience, either, as I began trying to get a new phone halfway through my "30 day warranty" yet was given empty promises of software fixes that never game and "updates" they "installed from their Verizon servers", neither of which are reality and the second being a straight-up lie. However, I have been extremely patient, I think, considering I have a malfunctioning $300 phone.

So far, I have spent nearly 8 hours TOTAL on the phone with customer service and tech support, and have driven over 160 miles total in trips to and from the stores adding another 90-120min per visit... Yet, nothing is resolved.

To top it off, I just received my bill, and I AM BEING CHARGED FOR EXCEEDING THE 2GB DATA CAP WHEN IT SAYS "UNLIMITED DATA"! I had to spend hours on the phone, talk to five different people and tell my story each time before that was resolved. Also on the bill is a fee for exchanging for a new phone, as well as another charge for an extended-battery that I never purchased! $25 for something that I never got??
THIS is the kind of stuff that drives me crazy. I would happily pay that $25 if I had received a NIB fully-functioning device, but it never happened.

I have worked in sales/customer service for many years, and while I now am in a job that is more to my liking (associate research scientist, psychopharmacology - novel opioid analgesic/anesthetic research and development), I have never once in my life taken out frustration with a company on their CSR's or salespeople, because I know how little control they have and, well, I am not a d*ck like some of you presuppose.

However, I will say that in my longest-lasting CSR/sales jobs, I made a huge effort to learn an exhaustive amount about the products I was selling, from high-school jobs at "generic" retailers to working as the supervising salesperson at an FFL-licensed firearms dealer (when your job is to sell bulk quantities of Class-3 firearms to police and military, it's a good idea to know what you're talking about).
That is why I cannot understand how no one in the stores I have talked to seem to know anything about the products? To me, that is a result of EITHER poor hiring practices or nonexistant employee training... A company as big as Verizon, they should be pretty well-structured in both areas.

I apologize if my rant earlier was taken as anything other than just that: a rant. Clearly, though, it did a good-enough job at getting my point across.
I always enjoy reading about self-entitled ego maniacs. It's Verizon's fault YOU didn't opt to go to another VZW store and have your handset looked at. I hope they laugh in your face when you make your idiotic ridiculous demands. You've been with a company for 12 years. Pat yourself on the back and boost your ego even more so that the whole universe will revolve around you and not just Verizon.

You chose to not force the issue earlier. It's your own fault. If I was the store manager I'd pay the ETF on every line out of pocket just so none of my employees had to deal with a person like you.

Self-entitled ego maniac?

No, honestly that is not the case... Yes, I do feel entitled to what I paid for. I have not, I am not, and I will not ask for anything more or anything less. That is how money works, and failing to honor that system is not only socially taboo, it is a moral and ethical "no-no".

Also, I did go to multiple stores, and while they checked out my phone, I was told that I had to go to the original store of purchase to have an exchange honored. Which I did, yet they told me "the only new phone you are getting is a RAZR, that's it; we will not now, or ever, give you a new replacement Galaxy Nexus" (not an exact quote, but very close to it).

Also, I have been pursuing this issue since before my 30-day "warranty" expired, only to be given false "fixes" and then completely shunned the second those 30 days were up. I don't blame the employees, because they can't just give stuff out, I blame the company.

Also, as I have never once so much as raised my voice dealing with a CSR (in fact, every single one has been extremely pleasant; it is in the stores that I have been literally ignored, after waiting patiently for over an hour in some cases, so that they could sell RAZR's... I even had my name knocked to the bottom of the list once when the four people coming in after me all stated the reason of their visit was "to purchase a new phone", while I had stated mine was "to receive assistance with my device, as instructed by CS/TS on the telephone").
I would be upset too, paid full price for my nexus - a refurb would have been like a kick to the shin
Self-entitled ego maniac?

No, honestly that is not the case... Yes, I do feel entitled to what I paid for. I have not, I am not, and I will not ask for anything more or anything less. That is how money works, and failing to honor that system is not only socially taboo, it is a moral and ethical "no-no".

I'll just leave these here...
I am going to call and call and call tomorrow and Monday, until I get someone to do something that works for me: either a refund for the entire MSRP of the phone (not what I paid, I mean the whole $700), a BRAND NEW replacement shipped to me under the condition that my current phone doesn't have to be postmarked for shipping until until AT LEAST 10 days after receiving the new unit, FREE UNLIMITED DATA for the duration of my new contract since they sh*tty service only lets me use it half the time (without losing the grandfathered-in Unltd Data paid), or $700 credit towards my billing cycle.
I will tell them that if ONE MORE PERSON tells me "Well, we can give you a BRAND NEW RAZOR MAXX, but sorry, no Galaxy Nexus", that I will contact Samsung, VZW Corporate, and the Better Business Bureau immediately.

I am normally a person who avoids conflict, but I consider it only right to fight back when someone is bending me over like this...

I have been a customer for 12 years straight, 5 lines, unlimited talk/text/MMS on all 5, and unlimited data on 3/5 (data for the past 2.5yrs, all the rest for all 12).

I am going to tell them that the only way they can keep me as a customer is by doing one or more of the following:
- Sending me a BRAND NEW UNOPENED Galaxy Nexus DIRECT FROM SAMSUNG with the condition that I do not have to send my current one in for 10 days (postmark 10 days post-receiving new), and if the new one has the same issues, they WILL continue to send me phones until one works properly
- Offer me a $700 CASH REFUND while still getting to keep my defective device
- Negating ALL DATA CHARGES for all phones on my 5-line account for the duration of the new 2yr contract
- Allowing me to KEEP UNLIMITED EVERYTHING but only pay the price of a 1400min family plan
- Give me $200 credit towards a new phone every year for the next 12 years
- Refund my entire total amount paid over the past 12 years (just a hair under SIX FIGURES)
- Deducting 25% from any product, service, or anything else purchased from, through, via Verizon or ANY affiliated companies for the rest of my life
- Getting Scarlett Johannson to, umm, "please me" on demand
This thread seems to be going downhill fast...

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