so... people are actually surprised that another outstanding android phone won't be coming to verizon?
this is always the case. the carrier with the best service gets the crappiest phones. and all the "flagship" devices go to t-mobile.
if anyone could explain this i would appreciate it.
and, isn't any nexus phone unlikely to appear on big red?
Like deja vu from when I was with the sunken ship HMS Nextel. Although I think they sucked on Motorola's tit harder than VZN. I remember fr iends on other networks getting slicker, sleeker phones and the coolest thing I could upgrade to was the Moto i930 which was so thick I was a ble to use it as a wheel chock for a car that was out of control and about to run over a baby. At least I have reliable service with VZN compared to Nexthell. And now il get to hear about the awesomeness of the GS2 from other people. This was a very wise move by Verizon. Great job guys!!