FAUguy added more information in another post.
HowardForums: Your Mobile Phone Community & Resource - View Single Post - Motorola Droid: Picture-of-the-Day, Camera Reviews and Issues thread
I received a good suggestion that I should record a video of the camera problem.
The first video is with the camera set to auto focus, and the 2nd video is set to macro.
In both cases you can hear the "clicking" when the program starts, and hear the lens moving when trying to focus.
Notice that each time it showed the 4 red corners, meaning it wasn't able to properly focus.
If you turn the focus off (set to infinity) you still get the "clicks" at the beginning, but not when taking the picture (since its not focusing).
Droid Video 1 with Auto Focus 33MB
Droid Video 2 with Macro Focus 50MB
Sorry for the large files sizes, but not YouTube account
HowardForums: Your Mobile Phone Community & Resource - View Single Post - Motorola Droid: Picture-of-the-Day, Camera Reviews and Issues thread
I received a good suggestion that I should record a video of the camera problem.
The first video is with the camera set to auto focus, and the 2nd video is set to macro.
In both cases you can hear the "clicking" when the program starts, and hear the lens moving when trying to focus.
Notice that each time it showed the 4 red corners, meaning it wasn't able to properly focus.
If you turn the focus off (set to infinity) you still get the "clicks" at the beginning, but not when taking the picture (since its not focusing).
Droid Video 1 with Auto Focus 33MB
Droid Video 2 with Macro Focus 50MB
Sorry for the large files sizes, but not YouTube account