That's not true... sourcery uses an obsolete format known as "amend" that only clockwork still supports. Clockwork 3 will finally abandon amend. You will be forced to upgrade to the edify format.
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I would like to stae the sprecovery installs all our zips fine.
We have had problems with raidzero and it wouldnt even install our inital rom and we had to post not to use it.
I sent messages to you and the only thing i got back was you pulled it and looking at it.
I sent at least 1 more message i think 2 asking if you figured anything out and you did not return my messages.
I do know that the new clockwork has problems also due to some testers using.
But we have no idea what this new zip format is , never heard of it and cant find any good info on it.
I am taking your just talking about the update and fixes and stuff not the rom,
I would like to switch these so they are not causing a problem.
Would be great if instead of saying they use old stuff.
How about saying hey guys your update zips are an older style and they are being switched out for this type here is some info.
If you look at any posts i have in other roms sections i dont tell them come to sourcery we dont have that problem i try to help them. How about helping insead of negative comments.