Heya Team Sourcery,
First of, thanks for all your hard work to get 2.0 out. I've been a fan of your ROMs since they first came out, so I gave it a try today.
As usual for you guys, tons of customization options - I'm sure that's what most people like about it.
But I also ran into a few issues:
* Restoring apps was a bit a pain, didn't restore anything from market by itself, so I restored them via TiBu.
* My battery life seems to be taking a beating on 2.0. Went from fully charged (it was on the charger for a few hours) to 20% in a few hours with medium usage at best (Slayher 1Gz kernel, interactive, with SetCPU on it). That same kernel on other ROMs was giving me better battery life for sure, so that's a bit of a downer.
* Some of the apps you can install via sourcery magic didn't install at all for me (wireless tether for example).
* The modified contact app #2 doesn't show contact info for favorites, so I went to modified app #1 - which is less appealing to me, but it doesn't have that problem.
* The ROM comes with that app "iHear Network" - not sure why one would include this type of app with a ROM, but whatever. I don't have any need for this app, but there is no option to un-install it in Sourcery Magic, nor can I uninstall it through app manager...
I also don't particularly like the scrolling "sourcery" on the lockscreen, but that's just a matter of personal preference I suppose.
But overall, a nice improvement from 1.3, keep up the good work
market can be funny like that...while testing i had that happen a couple of times, but then next time it worked like a charm.
battery life hopefully will improve...i usually have worse battery life until a couple of reboots have gone by.
you didn't install a version of wireless tether from your tibu restore that's interfering? it worked for me during test. we'll get back to this one.
modified contact apps are just that...modified
the iHear network was a cute app eagle1967 found and got permission to use since it was listed in market as a teleporter. thot it fit right in with the magic. can use a file manager to delete it.
1) also the market..if you installed one of these newer markets that force closed they often reset you app memory and although it looks great because when you log in it shows installed apps they are no long remember for automatic download.
2) must install rom than gapps. when you boot up sign in through the green android it will work 99% of the time.
if you use TB to restore apps and data. you are bound to have peoblems Sourcery is not the only rom with problems with TB it is highly mentioned in most rom sections. thats why i link to actngrezy's great write up although i have tried this since TB has caused 95% of all problems with sourcery it wont ever make it to my phone. But if actngrezy says taht way will work i trust him.
3) battery life takes a few runs with a new rom to settle in. but also first install you run it alot more than you realize and the screen adn redownloading apps eats battery like crazy.
4) i just uninstalled and installed wireless tether 4 timnes without a problem i did this through terminal so i could watch the download occur.
5) make sure you have usb debugging turned on
6) the modified apps. i just installed the modified # 2 my favotites are there and it has 4 litings for my mom including home address. wish i could remember which app added that so i could have it for all my contacts.
7)as listen said the app is small its a joke and can be eaisly removed from system/app with astro using wizard mode or any root explorer. It will be in the delte apps in next version just got permission for it to late to get it added. its kinda fun kinda like the tv off on gignerbread cool for a few tried. but i am in contact with the developer s and from what i have been told this will be come a darn cool app. I very happy to be involved in getting it out there.
I am concerned about the nice improvement over 1.3 with what you listed as facts about this rom. I would say its a big step down luckily these are just not common to 2.0
I suggest you reinstall from scratch reading the release notes and give it a try.
I know you were a big supporter at the other site there quinlon so im dissapointed that you would think that we would released a rom with these problems. rather than coming to us and saying hey this is happening and letting us try to help you out.
I believe the most important thing is read the actnegrezy write up on TB if you must use that.
we have also seen that TB tends to break our busybox which may be why your downloads are not functioning. we have had 1 case where they installed the busybox from TB and that fixed the problem.
Noone sems to realize we are the first to have it scrolling

but it was something new thats 2 that dont like it so if that trend continues well remove it . I thought it ws cool and figured people dont spend much time at the lock screen, guess im wrong

Also dont forget if you dont need a lock screen there is a tab in the galaxy-s widget taht bypasses so you go from sleep to desktop no lock screen ever seen. Like the other thread says this is an experience and everyone needs to be involved to make this a great rom. we cant tell what everyone likes. so continue with suggestions anyone that has been around can see we tried to add everything and fix everything people asked of us.
for those that suggested and i was unable to do it i personally messaged them to let them know it wasnt in and why.
Also read the changelog in the rom so you know where to go to find the new features such as removing backgrounds if you need to see the clock times you can do this now by simply pressing 1 button in the magic commands and remove the backgrounds no more blacked out alarm times no more squished up test in phone log. while still giving the benefit of cool backgrounds to those that want ti and you can now even pout in your own backgrounds.
So please try a reinstall and let us know and remember we are at irc freenode #sourcery to help you ussually someone is there to help you out.
I hope these suggestions help you out.
I know it was long but took it as a good chance to go through some stuff that may help others out also.
As always we hope you continue to enjoy Sourcery and we appreciate your use so we can enjoy continuing to make people smile