For those of you waiting for CM7, it's going to be a looooong wait.Once the bootloader is broken (See 2nd init), development can begin. How much of the core CM7 code can be used is anyone's guess. Being as this is a dual core phone I tend to think less core CM7 code can be used, leading to extensive re-writing of the exisiting CM7 code. CVPCS spend 5 or 6 months getting CM7 running on a stock DX, this is a whole new animal in a way, and in some others it's quite similar.
Yea figured as much. Oh well, at least he has said that he is working on it, thats better then nothing.
In other news. I updated with info on another rom in development. Oxide by Ryman222. He is canceling development on corteX2 to focus on Oxide that is gingerbread based.