Haha, i managed to try and flash that update in the short amount of time it was up. Obviously it failed, but desire for the new version lives on. I'm really looking forward to a new blurry rom. 0.3 is so fast and i'm glad ADW is going to be an option. I, for one, didn't mind the blur stuff, except the slowish launcher and the bloat. I hope you don't remove too much, as I want to be able to use hdmi, dlna, and... maybe the blur widgets, i don' tknow what else there was in blur. Just make sure you take all the social messaging crap out.
on another note, (and i'm sure i'd do better asking the lcd density guy) why does the calendar widget (the one with the task list, that never loads) work at increased density on some roms and not others? I believe it worked in focused, but doesn't work in blurry...
Anyway, thanks for the great roms.
the density.. no idea.
ADW now supports motorola widgets and widget resizing, so that will be a seperate option. As far as I see it, hdmi isn't blur, just only integrated in the blur gallery. hdmi is codeable, i'm trying

The way I have it planned, it may not be fully for the first release, but it will be within days after tops, is there will be a rom for one specific blur action if thats what the user wants. Remember, its just hopes, but if I cant get exactly that going, it will be something very similar, since rubiX Focused is now completely blurless, and (very very soon, thanks to help from a few devs) it will be complete aosp, I will not officially release, nor support a "blur" patch in on it.
The way I see it, you can have blur as much or little as you want, then a rom with absolutely no blur available.
What do you guys think of my new "vision" for blurry and focused?