Hey Drod,
Firstly, great work. I actually had a good deal of buyer's remorse when using the Moto garbage. The only bugs I've noticed with your build is that when in car-dock mode (or even in general now that I think about it) the in-call interface remains in portrait mode instead of landscape. The only other "bugs" would be that the home screen isn't so zippy going to the app drawer or between screens until you do so at least once (IE first hit to drawer (or switching to other adjacent screen) is hitchy, second time's a charm) and also that the camera app has crashed twice on me. It's only the first bug that concerns me though.
As far as ClockworkMod has to say, I'm on your latest build...
Again, thanks for this EXCELLENT rom!
Dialer in Car Dock - known issue, for more info, look up the UNOFFICIAL known issues list on sephtin.com.
Home screen being zippy.. I haven't noticed this, what launcher are you using? And did you restore apps from a backup, such as titanium, or mybackup? Also, do you use a ton of widgets, that require being loaded/refreshing.. it's possible that they're slowing things down on the first load (?).
And lastly, the camera crashing, is probably due to a data/cache issue.. try this:
Menu> Settings> Applications> Manage Applications> all tab> Camera
Force stop, then Clear cache, clear data...
See if you get any more crashes.. should hopefully help that.
Regarding what clockwork says about your build (I assume you mean the ROM Manager app??? It's a couple months out of date. You will want to look in the drod2169 section of these forums for a more recent build. (I also post that new builds are available at sephtin.com.. but don't rely on me.. check the forums.
Hope that helps..
I only hope I answered as many questions as I created...