Before you Root your MotoDroid, let me share a cautionary tale:
Someone very close to me purchased the MotoDroid at 10:00am November 6, 2009. He was very please with his pruchase and the Droid assimilated well into his busy business life, his family, and community. This man had many responsibilities and many folks looked to him to participate in and cooperate with many different professional and personal activities.
This man's happy life turned dark one Saturday morning when, surfing the net regarding the Droid, he learned of the Droid's hidden powers. This arcane and mysterious knowledge was known to only a few wizards with such spine-tingling names as 'Pete', 'Koush', and the 'Cyanogen'!
At this point this fellow should have gone to Yahoo's main page but his mind was already ignited and in need of awakening and nourishment rather than the narcotized and processed pablum that Yahoo serves. So, he scrolled through the instructions that provided the curious with the dangerous incantations that would release the beast within the Droid. Though Knowledge is Power, Power can be all consuming. And so, this fellow studied the various techniques over and over again. Memorizing each utternance and gesture until, later that same Saturday morning, having confidence and ready to harness and have the power, proceded to execute each mysterious step.
He was successful much to the dismay of all that loved and cared for this person. The power of the Droid captured him rather than the man capturing the power of the Droid. Now he spends much of his time performing various rites over his Droid, such as trying on new souls called "roms" and experimenting with different physical manifestations, called "themes", and tampering with the very essence of the Droid; the spirit known as "kernels."
The Droid has enslaved this man who now can be seen sitting on the curb outside the local grocery store. People pitiably listen to his mumblings about "how smooth the app drawer is," and "how the temps don't go above 44 degrees centigrade," - as if anyone knows what this means. Fortunately, he chose the local grocery store so people give him soda and pretzels, which he eats without thinking while holding up his Droid and remarking how "freaking fantastic" it is.
Poor guy.
Still want to Root?