Some quick questions:
1. Is there any way to overclock this phone? I've read some topics about different apps, but none seem to work properly because the phone has a dual core CPU.
I am not into overclocking, so no real answer here.
2. Is there a way to remove/control the information text that pops up when you for example end a call and it shows how long your call was? When I take a screenshot, it shows "Screenshot It has been granted by Superuser" and ruins my screenshots
If you go into the superuser app, there is a wrench in the upper right corner, tap this and scroll down to notifications and uncheck - this will remove the SU toast. No answer on the other info, unless it is in dialer settings.
3. If I were to install a custom ROM, should I make a nandroid backup before I start messing with the system files? Or what other method would you recommend?
It is always a good option to make a nandroid backup (either with Razr Bootstrap or Safestrap) that way you have a way back if something should go wrong. If you don't make a nandroid backup, you would most like have to use the restore files to start over
4. I'm using GO launcher EX with original theme, and I really want to edit the icons of the dockbar. Does anyone know where I can locate these files? I would be greatful to get an answer especially for this question.
In Go Launcher, long press on the icon and it will give you an option to "replace", select this and then select where your new icon is stored (possibly gallery if you downloaded an icon pack somewhere)...if you are wanting to use the icons from another Go Launcher theme, chose theme and then select which theme.
If you don't have an answer to any of my questions, but feel you want to mention anything regarding root, please do so, because any information is appreciated, I want to learn more.
Thanks in advance.