I also reverted back to the stock camera. It seems to be far superior to the android camera. This was the only drawback to installing this ROM.
I'll agree to disagree. I much prefer the AOSP cam to the stock cam...
Only issues I have with this rom:
1. Camera doesn't look like it will take 16:9 pictures
2. When in a call in landscape mode (in the car dock), the screen is in portrait (unlike when making a call with the stock dialer)
Otherwise I'm really enjoying it.
1) The stock camera has the following advantages over the AOSP camera:
-- WIDE screen pics (which are nothing more than 8MP pics, CROPPED down to 6MP. You don't GAIN anything, in fact, you LOSE part of the picture.

Not an advantage in my eyes. :S
--Panaorama assist
--Control of the mic's in camcorder mode.
--Thumbnails are higher quality, more clear (which also takes up more space, and is slightly slower when sliding through them in gallery... which I HATE).
@shoobox- NOTHING in that list makes it superior to me.. let alone far superior

It's a preference thing... which is why Android is so great! There are choices!
2) From the dialer, go to menu-> preferences, scroll all the way to the bottom, and try "Enable sensor rotation"
It will let the dialer rotate, and if you press in the number field when in landscape, it will bring up a dialpad at least (I know, it's really not that great.. but it's something.)
If you want landscape dialing on a blurless ROM, currently the only decent solution available is a front-end dialer such as DialerOne, aContacts or others... grab them from the market.