As for Data Throttling, My understanding of data throttling is that the carrier networt (VZW) will throttle down our download speeds once we hit a certain amount of data usage. So what this zip does is alter our services.jar to work around this. So once this zip is applied we will still download at regular speeds no matter how much data we use. Really there is not a necessity to remove this, I only do it cause I download a lot of stuff. Once again this is just my understanding so please correct me if im wrong. Hope it helps. The install is quite simple for this zip : reboot into clockwork/mount system/install zip/ choose zip/ find directory you placed zip/ install/ reboot/ enjoy. The initial reboot will take a few minutes longer than normal.First off, this is an amazing rom so I want to thank Drod for the work he put into it. I noticed that when using a security lock pattern even if I purposely use the wrong one, I could still get into my phone. Based on a suggestion in this thread, I tried to wipe the cache for the Rubix parts and it didn't give me an option to wipe, just to uninstall it.
After reading about past versions of Rubix, I wanted to know if the Auto Brightness option in 2.0.1 had the same hack as older rom versions to reduce battery consumption when this is selected.
Lastly, one poster asked a really good question that no one addressed. I can't recall his username but he asked when and why someone would want to remove the throttling hack for this rom? On the first page it provided the link to remove it but there was no direction anywhere that I saw that we should definitely remove it. Thanks again.
To elaborate a bit on this.
Your speeds will only get throttled if you are on a tower that is congested. VZW reduces speeds when a tower hits a certain utilization level so data service isn't completely unavailable.
For some removing throttling doesn't do anything to their speeds because they aren't connected to a tower that is clogged up.
So it might help, might not, can't hurt.
I've heard some say that VZW is beginning to throttle at the tower so if that's the case then this fix wouldn't work. I'm not sure if that's got any validity though.
my two cents