I love the Rubix ROM, had it from way back, but am running into a bit of a problem. My phone is constantly locking up, requiring me to battery pull. I have to battery pull at least two - three times daily. And when I am not battery pulling, my phone will reboot at times, maybe once daily. Now I know of the random reboots with the X. But before this ROM I would run WidgetLocker Lockscreen and it would just about cure them. I've also noticed that there are other shady things going on with some apps that I am running. Can anyone tell me if they know if these apps are causing the battery pulls, or why I'm seeing the following app issues/nuances?
-- Sirius XM - noticed that two app icons will appear in my notification bar which results with my phone freezing. Result: Battery Pull
-- WidgetLocker Lockscreen - this is more a nuance, but when my phone boots up, first thing it does is make roughly 10-15 clicking noises. Also I will receive FC's which result with Battery Pulls.
-- Beautiful Widgets - Bluetooth/WIFI toggle widgets will be active and/or inactive yet non-reactive when pressed? For example, right now bluetooth is showing as active in my Notification bar yet the icon is not highlighted (on).
Those are the ones off of the top of my head. Can anyone offer any advice???? I'm thinking of formatting my SDCard and flashing my phone with a clean install.