I think I've found a bug. I enabled rotary sliders. Then, I got tired of rotary sliders and when I unchecked it in the menu, I look at my sliders and they are still rotary.
When I go back to the menu, rotary is checked again.
I did install black juice ginger true blue from the 1.9.7 build... so if you are having trouble repeating the bug it might be a compatibility issue.
I think I've found a bug. I enabled rotary sliders. Then, I got tired of rotary sliders and when I unchecked it in the menu, I look at my sliders and they are still rotary.
When I go back to the menu, rotary is checked again.
I did install black juice ginger true blue from the 1.9.7 build... so if you are having trouble repeating the bug it might be a compatibility issue.