Sounds interesting, but I will probably still go ahead and use my upgrade for the TB or Bionic since I can do it right now.
Don't waste your upgrade on a single core phone. Grab dual or better with several gb's of interal memory.
Dualcore, Quadcore = unnecessary gg pz. This is where I think Android is heading in the wrong direction, they increase the hardware in hopes that it will give better performance while leaving software at a stand still. Dual core quad core won't matter for a phone unless the software is upgraded and optimized for dual,quad core phones. IF android keeps heading down this direction, ie pissing out new phones so fast where you upgrade and two-three weeks later your phone is seriously out of date. While not making any software improvements and optimizations to support the new hardware all I would expect android to crash and burn, people will only put up with it for so long. I'm honestly even thinking about jumping the android boat and going the iPhone route if the iPhone 5 is impressive. I know apple has been around longer, but you'd think by now android would have their act together and get the priorites straight. Yes I love seeing new hardware releases, but not like 2-3 weeks after getting a new phone on contract.
Yes I know technology growth is rapid, but there is a point where as a consumer you just gotta pause and say really? Are you Fkin kidding me? I mean if it is true that the Targa is a quad core phone, and it's already been announced when the dual core Bionic hasn't even been released? You think to yourself why even bother when your phone is going to be the manufacterer's PoS within the next month or two. Atleast with the iPhone there's a 1 year gap which is acceptable, will it be the latest phone on the market by then? Probably not, but atleast you would of had a decent run with the phone knowing you have the top peice of technology that company has to offer for a respetable amount of time. I would like to see Android shift its focus to where it needs to THE SOFTWARE, instead of releasing awesome hardware practically every damn month while keeping the software vice on them.