[Rumor] Samsung Galaxy Nexus Likely Available "pretty much everywhere" November 21


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According to a report from The Verge, apparently, the rumors are true that the Samsung Galaxy Nexus will likely launch on Monday, November 21st. Their report claims they have heard it directly from Google that the Galaxy Nexus will be "pretty much everywhere" on that date. We are still calling this one a rumor for now, but from several different sources of our own, that date looks very likely.

Hmmm... a Monday launch. It's been a while since anyone has done that. This is going to be an strange weekend... being anxious for the weekend to be over so that Monday rolls around. It doesn't get much more ironic than that.

Source: The Verge
Sheesh iv'e been working crazy hours all week and been looking forward to the weekend! now I want it to be Monday already! I think I will have to comatose myself for the weekend with a variety of local beers lol

Can we just get a confirmed release date verizon/samsung/google. PLLEEAASSEEEE
seems like to me they are talking the UK?

The Verge (article) said:
Google's big, bold, and beautiful new Android phone is today being released in the UK. The Samsung-built Galaxy Nexus was announced to be launching on November 17th a couple of weeks ago, but some carriers and retailers have since had to bump back their release date for it.
. . .
As it turns out, the Oxford Street Phones4U store will be the only one to have the Galaxy Nexus on launch day today, but O2 and the other carriers are taking orders now and will be able to ship one to you very soon indeed. You know, in case you don't want to encourage this silly practice of exclusive single-store launches. Google tells us the Galaxy Nexus will be available "pretty much everywhere" from Monday, November 21st.
Yeah, reading the actual article it really sounds like they are talking about "available pretty much everywhere [in the UK]." I see no reference to a possible US release date.
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The only reason to launch on Monday as opposed to over the weekend is they are rushing to get it out for Black Friday. This likely means a not-100% finished product (but these days, even the IPhones launch with bugs).

And I don't care, because CM will probably have a rom out a week after launch and the devs will have any bugs fixed long before VZW/Google push updates.
So far every rumored date has been wrong. So I really don't get excited anymore when I hear a date. But look on the bright side, one of these will have to be right...eventually :D
Sheesh iv'e been working crazy hours all week and been looking forward to the weekend! now I want it to be Monday already! I think I will have to comatose myself for the weekend with a variety of local beers lol

If you are in the distribution range of Great Lakes Brewery, nothing will make you time travel quite like a bit of Christmas Ale.
Sammie hasn't really had a flagship phone on VZW. It's almost inconceivable to me that they would miss Black Friday. You're talking hundreds of thousands in lost sales.
Sammie hasn't really had a flagship phone on VZW. It's almost inconceivable to me that they would miss Black Friday. You're talking hundreds of thousands in lost sales.

Well kodiak799 mentioned, it may not be Samsung's fault - there may still be WTF situations in ICS that they need to iron out. You have to love Google's apparent "It'll be done when it's done." attitude. It's incredibly frustrating to get a release date only a few days before launch but you have to respect them for the fact that they care more about releasing a relatively bugless and polished product more than hitting deadlines. I'd like it to come out early next week though as I'm going to OK with my gf for Thanksgiving and I need something to pass the time while in No Man's Land. :)
I am hoping that this is true .this would be the best birthday present if this device lunch is on my birthday I will be psyched !

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Does the manufacturer or Verizon assign preorders? I want to believe these rumors, but can't understand how this phone is launching on Monday or anytime soon without pre-orders.

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The only reason to launch on Monday as opposed to over the weekend is they are rushing to get it out for Black Friday. This likely means a not-100% finished product (but these days, even the IPhones launch with bugs).

And I don't care, because CM will probably have a rom out a week after launch and the devs will have any bugs fixed long before VZW/Google push updates.

There really isn't a software without bugs, but considering this is brand new yes there is reason to be pessimistic. Considering it is the first phone with ICS, I agree that it's not 100% finished, but that's what updates across all OS and software is for, to work out the bug.

Either way I can't wait:icon_ banana: