[RUMOR] Samsung to drop Android in favor of Tizen OS


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Premium Member
Jan 30, 2012
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According to the Korean Times, Samsung, the number one smartphone manufacturer in the world, is considering moving all of its devices to their own Tizen operating system and away from Android.

Previous reports suggested that the Korean company was considering using Tizen for their smartwatches but it now appears that they are looking to take this one step further.

Samsung plans to “cut its heavy reliance on the Google Android platform. If you don’t have your own ecosystem, then you will have no future,” said an unnamed executive.

Samsung had launched their Tizen Z smartphones in India, and have sold more than 64 million devices to date.

However, the company would need an OS that is far more robust to conquer the market in the US and elsewhere.

Samsung has only just entered the game when it comes to operating systems but the unknown exec said “more incentives and support will be provided to Tizen developers,” no additional details were provided.

Samsung's biggest challenge is to convince app developers to produce their products for yet a third major platform. Something they may not want to do due to cost and install base.

If Samsung were to follow this route, would it be a huge blow to Google? Does Google really need Samsung?

What are your thoughts?

And that will be the end of samsung.
Ya think?? I tend to doubt it.. Sammy is protecting its mobile phone business.. probably a wise decision.
People have too much vested into Google ecosystem to dump for the unknown. I personally considered samsung device only if it has android. No android = no business, simple as that and I'm sure billions will agree with me.
Personally I hate proprietary OS. One of the reasons i wont buy an iPhone. I dont see Samsung getting the Third Party Support and will end up like Windows Mobile with Crap Apps. If this happens i will not buy another Samsung Product. Android For Life!
People have too much vested into Google ecosystem to dump for the unknown. I personally considered samsung device only if it has android. No android = no business, simple as that and I'm sure billions will agree with me.
I know where you're coming from but feel that the average mobile phone buyer couldn't care less about who makes the OS.
They want functionality at a decent price..
As soon as the people "who-don't-know-any-better" notice their app selection and quality have hit the bottom of the toilet they'll be snapping devices over their knees and learning what Android is.

We're coming to a point when there are too many exceptionally good phones and networks in the U.S. to just take what they give you. I have ZERO faith that Samsung can create a competitive ecosystem. From music to videos it's going to be a dumpster fire.
unless they can somehow have every single android and google app run on their os this is a waste. My Note 2 had the samsung store... I used it for one app that I wanted.... then it kept bugging me... so I uninstalled the app and their crapstore and never looked back. I would not start over on another ecosystem unless I had to.... I already moved from Blackberry to android years ago. Not doing it again.
People have too much vested into Google ecosystem to dump for the unknown. I personally considered samsung device only if it has android. No android = no business, simple as that and I'm sure billions will agree with me.

This is a complex point. Same could be said with IOS back in the day, but that was before literally billions had smartphones.

I don't see it working, but the lack of competitive hardware with Sammie is a problem for Google.
I went with the Moto 360 over the Gear 2 because the latter was Tizen.

If Sammie throws enough money at it (they will), they'll get the developers and apps. But Sammie lacks the trojan horse that Google had - gmail.
I personally saw this coming. The signals they've been sending, the products they've "tested" the market with such as the Gear VR (being only compatible with Samsung Galaxy phones), the Gear 2 watch, and just their overall personality have said they want to be Apple without iOS and will do whatever they need to be Apple without iOS, even if it means making their own OS (and point).
There's little money to be made in phones. Sammie probably figures they grab a share of that advertising revenue or they just leave an inevitably unprofitable business.
Well, they want their own OS for other reasons as well, TVs, connected appliances such as Refrigerators, Air Conditioners, Washers and Dryers, even cars, trucks, trains, boats, airplanes will all have some form of operating system (many already do), and they want to cash in on that world as well. By having their own proprietary OS working in these devices, they can put handcuffs on the consumer, such that if they want them all to work well together, they'll have to buy the Samsung ones (or the ones with Samsung licensed OS installed).
i have tizen on my samsung tv, very boring very little available.
If the galaxy 8 comes with tizen it will be the biggest returned device in the history of electronics.
Microsoft has their os in almost every house on the planet and tehy still cant make a go of it with their mobile os, and the hardware they have put out has been very decent.
Didn't we go down this road before with Samsung flexing and smacking their gums about Tizen?
Tizen ended up with Samsung being reminded of the symbiotic relationship they have with Google.
Here are the reasons why Tizen will fail in America.

1) app store: just ask Amazon, CM, Microsoft and all those others who tried. It takes years to build an app store. Google didn't do this overnight. This started before 2009 and they still are behind iOS in the app department. It takes years to understand and develop quality apps that function for devices on said OS. About time Samsung try and build an app store up to par with Google and Android they will find themselves looking up to other manufacturers.

2) Touch wiz sucks. Samsung started looking and performing better when it became more Google less Samsung. Now we are going to get all Samsung no Google basically making a device that looks like it should be for your two year old and not for an adult.

3) as stated above, people are already invested in one os or another. With devices like Apple TV, chrome stick, etc, we already paid for apps and services tied to said play store. When I had my note there were few apps in the Galaxy store that appealed to me.

The next big thing may be making the next big mistake. The only way Tizen could work would be on penny phones, but even then we already have Android there where you have access to an array of already developed Android apps and services.

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