To me it looks like this Note4 will be my last Samsung phone . Sealed battery is my reason .I guess the Note 7 will be my last Samsung Phone.
Sent from my SM-N910V using Tapatalk
Ohhh let me buy that automobile because it had Android onboard. I gotta buy that SUV because it's AW compatible.Yea? And? Java runs a bunch of stuff, too. You think anyone is going to buy a Java phone? Ohhh, let me buy a Tizen phone because my Keurig is Tizen.
Sent from Turbo II
If the Battery is 4000MAh then I do not mind it being sealed. If battery does go bad I will get it replaced at Verizon. The deal breaker for me would be no Microsd.To me it looks like this Note4 will be my last Samsung phone . Sealed battery is my reason .
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Beast Mode 4
I love that Crapple added the ability to remove bloatware
While I get your point, that actually would be a deal breaker for me under certain circumstances. If I was buying a car with smartphone compatibility and, for some reason, it only has iCar or whatever Apple's version is and no support for Android, I wouldn't buy the car. I'm not buying a car with features like that that I can't use and probably won't ever be able to use because of how locked in to the Android ecosystem I am.Ohhh let me buy that automobile because it had Android onboard. I gotta buy that SUV because it's AW compatible.
Why the angst because of possible other choice for an operating system ?
Support Our Troops!!!
Beast Mode 4
I love that Crapple added the ability to remove bloatware
That's a scenario that could cause Tizen to fail if Samsung is looking for an Apple-like cult following. To again use Apple and Tizen but in the watch case ,there is a beta app that is an Apple compatible version of the Gear Manager and Samsung has broken its stranglehold on GM only working on Samsung devices. The aftermarket developer community will make or break Tizen just like it did with iOS , Android , and Microsoft phones. For it to succeed Samsung is going to have to have a solid backing of both independent developers and, as in the case of iOS and Android, mega corp developers. We grumble about Cheetah (as an example) buying up so many small developers because they add in useless garbage with every update but at the same time they are also keeping apps up to date that the small developers can't or won't update anymore.While I get your point, that actually would be a deal breaker for me under certain circumstances. If I was buying a car with smartphone compatibility and, for some reason, it only has iCar or whatever Apple's version is and no support for Android, I wouldn't buy the car. I'm not buying a car with features like that that I can't use and probably won't ever be able to use because of how locked in to the Android ecosystem I am.
Now, for those that don't care so much, sure. But for me, that's absolutely a consideration I would make.
Um...I picked up a friend's iPhone in like 2010 or so and she had a Facebook app. Not really sure what you're talking about there. They had a native Facebook app before we did.I'm not sure if there's a Facebook app for iOS now but there wasn't one when I left iOS in 2012
Ohhh let me buy that automobile because it had Android onboard. I gotta buy that SUV because it's AW compatible.
Why the angst because of possible other choice for an operating system ?
Angst as in apprehension, not anger as in mad.Angst? Huh? Have i used CAPS LOCK? Have I usedor
? Hell, I think I've only even used one --> !!!
It's not angst. I'm not angry. I'm just having a discussion with mah friends.
If I had to pick something about how I feel over this thread it would be... hmmm... Astonishment! Astounded that the smart people I "hang out" with here on this forum think Samsung might actually DUMP Andy for T.
But it you want angst? Let's roll...
It bothers me that Jeffrey is some kind of Tizen fan boy. LOL
"You need to understand who and what Tizen is..."
No, I don't. I don't give a rats behind. Just like 98% of the world.
"Before you start preaching failure, take some time to understand Tizen.."
Failure! Failure! Preach, preach, preach!!
It works on a wide range of devices, including smartphones, (name one) tablets (name one), in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) devices (name one..and when did IVI become an abbreviation?), smart TVs (show me one), PCs (PC's? Huh? Do Apple or MS know there's a new player in PCs?), smart cameras (what's a smart camera?), wearable computing (such as SAMSUNG ONLY smartwatches), Blu-ray players (don't care, my PS3 is my Bluray and it doesn't run Tizen), printers (don't care) and smart home appliances (such as refrigerators (don't care), lighting (which lighting system?), washing machines,air conditioners (air conditioners?), ovens/microwaves (don't care) and a robotic vacuum cleaner (and again.... do not care, I'm sure there's an Android app that runs that Tizen robot...)). Its purpose is to offer a consistent user experience across devices. Tizen is a project within the Linux Foundation and is governed by a Technical Steering Group (TSG) composed of Samsung and Intel among others.
So Joe Consumer is at Best Buy and he's ALWAYS wanted to buy a new Smart washing machine... and Josie Salesgirl says "this one runs Tizen, so you can't use the Smart Features of it unless you have a Tizen phone..."
"Ok, what about that LG? Will it work with my Android?"
"Oh, sure!"
What do you think he's going to buy?
More from fanboi Jeffrey (love ya man)
"How can you compare MS [latecomer to the mobile market] to Samsung Mobile."
How can I not? I don't care who has been into MOBILE longer. Aren't these really PC's in our hands? Who's been doing THAT longer? That's not really even the point. MS was willing to lose money until it could compete in the mobile space. And I promise you they are able to do that longer then Sammy can. By just about ALL accounts those Lumia's were damn fine phones, too.
What's more attractive to you? To Joe Consumer? That your phone has a similar OS to the computer you use EVERY day? Or that you can use it with your GAMING CONSOLE? or that it runs the same OS as your robotic vacuum? or your dishwasher (that already has an Android/iOS app)?
Windows Mobile is down to less then 1% market share.
Windows Phone market share sinks below 1 percent
It's over. And Sammy would be foolish to DUMP Andy for T.
and finally...
MountainBikerM: "Ohhh let me buy that automobile because it had Android onboard. I gotta buy that SUV because it's AW compatible."
Sure. And there's no doubt that has moved some cars. But let's see the number of how many people switched car brands for that reason. I bet it's not very high. Or how many people decided to buy early because of that feature. Also betting that # is low. I know 1 person with Android Auto. (And she doesn't like it much). How many do you guys know? And sure, I bet a few SUV's were sold because they could be started with a watch. But let's face it... these are not big numbers. If it was TW or Tizen Auto and Sammy had a Tizen phone... you think that many folks will switch?
Yes, it's all rumor. It's not happening.
But fun to debate.
/drops the mic
This is what I was referring toinformal
a feeling of persistent worry about something trivial.
(I don't think I came across as worried, either)
That's the thing. Out of the vast minority of Must Have apps available across platforms Tizen falls way behind in having them for their devices. That could possibly be they currently have only their smartwatches as a worldwide app market and even some of them (such as the old Samsung wallet app) are limited in what country you can get them in. Given the limited cpu/ram, screen real estate and battery of the Gear lineup most must haves we enjoy on our phones would be too much for the current fleet of Gears, cutting the numbers even more. The monetary rewards are there for Tizen developers but the limited usage and Samsungs approval methods hold them back. Tizen for Gear right now is a walled garden that has thicker roadblocks than iOS ever had.The only advantage I see here over MS is that, unlike MS, Sammie has a huge installed base....and can more easily justify throwing a lot of money at developers to create apps for Tizen.
But the entire app store thing amuses me. I have maybe 200-300 apps on my phone, which is a lot for most people. Some apps, like "Southwest Airlines" I might use only once a year - but I have the storage space and it's really convenient and helpful that one time I need the app.
Point being, excluding games there are maybe only a few thousand apps/uses that covers almost everything the vast majority of people need. I guess the challenge is there are 50 different messaging apps that are all a little different - you'd think you just make one messaging app with the feature options everyone wants, but then that's too complicated for the average stupid person (which is why a good app store needs 100k apps instead of 10k)
That's the thing. Out of the vast minority of Must Have apps available across platforms Tizen falls way behind in having them for their devices.