[RUMOR] Samsung to drop Android in favor of Tizen OS

Samsung will do what Samsung wants to do.
The United States isn't the dominant force it once was in more ways than just population and manufacturing. With so many mainstream apps being bought out by mega corporations based overseas there will continue to be no home team loyalty to the Google revenue system.
Now that the frivolous suit war has seen a semi permanent truce it's inevitable that Samsung will go in this direction.
I'm thinking both Apple and Google changed their revenue policy toward developers for this very reason.
Whether it succeeds or fails doesn't seem to be what Samsung is concerned about. They prove that every time they release a new this or that. They don't seem to mind throwing mud at the wall to see what sticks and if Tizen fails they'll still be making bank on parts sales top the other manufacturers that use Android and ios.

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You make a good point @pc747 but Apple did it when everyone said they would fail.. Sammie is bold enough to make it happen.
Agree, and not saying it won't succeed. But there were reports that it already failed to gain a following in over seas markets.
And even Apple came out with their iPhone it was revolutionary. There were none like it. But fast forward now and the line between mid end and high end is blurred thanks to what Google has been able to do with their software paired with GP&S.

About a year and a half ago CM smacked his gums about making a CM build with his own playstore and we see how that is going.

The question is can Samsung afford to weather the storm?

Will fans stick around through the rough patches while Samsung figures it out?

Do Samsung have enough people willing to ditch Apple and Android to wait on Tizen?

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I'm in the middle with this...I could see Samsung pulling this off or failing horribly.
Like you have all said Apple did it way back then....and Android had to start somewhere. This will definitely be interesting to watch develop.

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Agree, and not saying it won't succeed. But there were reports that it already failed to gain a following in over seas markets.
And even Apple came out with their iPhone it was revolutionary. There were none like it. But fast forward now and the line between mid end and high end is blurred thanks to what Google has been able to do with their software paired with GP&S.

About a year and a half ago CM smacked his gums about making a CM build with his own playstore and we see how that is going.

The question is can Samsung afford to weather the storm?

Will fans stick around through the rough patches while Samsung figures it out?

Do Samsung have enough people willing to ditch Apple and Android to wait on Tizen?

Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
64 million units sold isn't what I'd call a failure when that's the only country they released it in. World wide I'd say yes but they used India as a "test" market.

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Beast Mode 4
I love that Crapple added the ability to remove bloatware
It will make some if not many choose Apple or another provider.... If a choice between Samsung with an unknown OS, and Apple with the little I've used it, I'll choose little knowledge over none anyday.

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Personally I think Samsung would be rocking a boat that doesn't need rocking. They would be taking a really big chance it would fly. Don't try fixing something that isn't broke.
Just went to a Samsung (S7 Edge). Love it, but if they get rid of Android then my future phones will be from a different OEM.
You make a good point @pc747 but Apple did it when everyone said they would fail.. Sammie is bold enough to make it happen.
I don't mean to single you out here Jeffrey. This is just the last post I read that I wanted to comment on other than liking or agreeing with it.

I don't think comparing where Samsung is now to Apple is valid on pretty much any level. First, everyone thought Apple was nuts at first, that's true, but they had no real competition. Sure, the G1 came out not too long after the first iphone, so android existed and had an app market, but I feel like Apple's climb was WAY less uphill than Sammies will be at this point in the game when others are already very well established.

I think it's funny that we're seeing this rumor that they want to change the OS on their phones after just hearing reports that they want to change the number scheme on the Note line to be less confusing.

Some here have talked about "regular" people who don't know the difference of what OS they have. I agree with those that have said that they'll darn sure notice if they upgrade their Note 4 or 5 to a Note 8 or something and find things to be completely different. Even folks that aren't hardcore android fans like us here on the forum who are Samsung fans are used to their iterative updates and small changes. Even if they make Tizen look and feel very similar to android with Touchwiz, it's going to be severely different, even if only in the app selection.

I totally get why they'd want to have their own ecosystem, but I feel like they'd be biting the hand that feeds by dropping android. That software got them to where they are in the phone market. Sure, their hardware and some of the bells and whistles of Touchwiz have helped, but there are plenty who hate TW, even in it's more subdued state that it's developed recently.

It'll be interesting to see. Samsung is a company who's devices I recommend to many people, including my wife who just got the S7 recently. But she's like me and has invested in apps, spent her Opinion Rewards earnings on games, etc. If they go Tizen, they won't be my recommendation anymore to friends and family. If nothing else, for the same basic reason why I try to steer them toward Android instead of iOS. I can help them easily with Android issues. iOS, I have to Google their weird (to me) ways of doing things sometimes. If you want me to be your tech support, it's best to stick with things I'm familiar with.
Personally I think Samsung would be rocking a boat that doesn't need rocking. They would be taking a really big chance it would fly. Don't try fixing something that isn't broke.
Tv's were just fine before smart ones, refrigerators with built in monitors and cameras, etc show they're not afraid to jump the shark.
If Tizen is handled on phones like it is with their watches it'll fail on the big scale of things but they'll still make a lotta coins with it. I mean if Samsung made $100 total profit per Tizen based phone they've sold in India so far that's a lot of zeros after the 64 and nothing to sneeze at.
As I said before Apple will soon have an electronic stylus pen option so the Note stranglehold on that is over and perhaps other Android users will adopt the thing as well. I've got too much revenue invested in Android to switch platforms at this point so I'll just look at other manufacturers if Samsung dumps Android . I have no aversion to looking hard at HTC and LG and possibly even Moto if they're still around when it's time to upgrade my phone. I've already decided against the next Note because of the sealed battery and all that glass just waiting for me to shatter by accident.

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Beast Mode 4
I love that Crapple added the ability to remove bloatware
64 million units sold isn't what I'd call a failure when that's the only country they released it in. World wide I'd say yes but they used India as a "test" market.

Support Our Troops!!!
Beast Mode 4
I love that Crapple added the ability to remove bloatware
it is when you consider the numbers.

1.252 billion is the population of India, doing the math 1% of 1.252 billion is 12.52 million people.

divide 64 million by 12.52 million 64/12.52= 5.11

That means it's success was 5.11% of the market

compare that to Android in July 2015 at 64.32% and that's really a pretty small number.

sources: Mobile OS market share in India (Android, iOS) 2012-2015 | Statistic
google search population of india
. I've got too much revenue invested in Android to switch platforms...

I've already decided against the next Note because of the sealed battery and all that glass just waiting for me to shatter by accident.

Support Our Troops!!!
Beast Mode 4
I love that Apple added the ability to remove bloatware

I As well have several Android tablets, so I can use my Google cash for those, and continue to use Android.

As for the Apple choice I mention a couple posts back, the wife is totally Apple, and is very knowledgeable with the OS, and I'd be able to use the Apple ecosystem to better communicate with her and our kids.

Mark, having the glass covered S6 and a decent cover makes protection easy...
The question i have is, if they do go this route, will they eventually push OTA Tizen Replacement OS like they did on the GEAR Smartwatches to Android Phones or at least current ones at that point. I can see that being a huge issue. I would be furious if i lost Android on my Devices not to mention the Android Apps I use. I stand by my decision to not buy another Non Android Samsung Device.
I know where you're coming from but feel that the average mobile phone buyer couldn't care less about who makes the OS.
They want functionality at a decent price..

Yea, I think you're wrong there. Ask the average user what kind of phone they have, they know. Ask the not so knowledgeable: "Eh, it's an LG something. G3? G4?" But ask them what it runs on, they will damn sure tell you it's Droid or Android.

Who said there's no money in phones? Uh... yes there is. The S7 Edge costs about $230-$250 to make and selling for $750?!?
Re Sammy profits:
The company's net profit for the quarter ended in March rose 14% to 5.3 trillion won ($4.6 billion) following the launch of the Galaxy S7 and its curved-screen variant, the Galaxy S7 Edge.

That ain't all TV's and dishwashers, I promise you.