JWX said:As for the charging all night w/power off... I'm on call, have to have communication. I read that you could just charge turned off every week or so and that would work. Your thoughts?
I'm at 14 hours or so at the moment and just hit 70% with 1.5 hours screen on time. Light use today but on heavy days I still last all day with no worries. 4g on all the time, no smart actions, wifi, gps, and everything on. Not sure whats going on with yours. Download " badass " battery monitor and see if some app is draining your battery. Yiu should be getting better than what you stated.
Sent from my DROID RAZR
70% left and 12.5 hours running...CPU 51 minutes & 54 seconds, display 1 hour & 54 minutes on, 4G, WIFI, Bluetooth, GPS all on constantly, 4 email accounts, including Yahoo, Gmail, and 2 POP3 accounts, 3D Flip clock widget, Tapatalk, phone calls, Bada$$ battery monitor, Craigslist browser, Dropbox, Box, Facebook, Pandora, Textfree, Volume Locker, Motocast, Picasa, Verizon Backup Assistant, Verizon WIFI Auto-on, Smart Actions, Swype, and a few other apps I've used throughout the day.
I love my MAXX!
Sent from my DROID RAZR MAXX using Xparent ICS Tapatalk 2 using Google voice to text translation. Please excuse any minor spelling, punctuation, capitalization or grammatical errors.
You have a MAXX now? Sweet!
FoxKat said:Yup! You noticed...:redface: I did love the RAZR, but I am a power-user and really had to curtail my usage patterns to get through a day with the RAZR and also had to keep 4G off. Now that I'm on the MAXX, 4G is 24/7 and I'm a PDA toting fool!! :icon_ lala:
So both you and your friend live in the same area? Are you close to a tower? Have you done any testing like turning 4G off all day and see how the battery does just on 3G? Honestly I don't think its the phone sounds like its either an app you just are not seeing and or your tower strength is crap. Bad Ass battery will show you your tower strength which is helpful.
We are usually about 10-15 miles away, with her being farther from the city, so maybe less 4G strength. Myself, even having left 4G on, today is a somewhat better day as I'm off work and not deep in a building that I believe limits connectivity. So, maybe an issue there. Sad that my old Droid X did about the same.
Her, well, it seems she is getting about 6 hrs. I am going to have to comb through her phone and check polling on K9 etc. She really doesn't use hers much other than mostly twitter, and some voice calls, SMS, some small facebook usage. Something is really up with her. I definitely use mine more.
I've (again) read through all the links (which I did do before I wrote my thread here). I think with judicious use, some toggling of 4G and a couple charges with the unit off, I've been getting mine a bit longer. Roughly from 6-7 to about 10 hrs. But with 9 hrs work, I am charging it when I get home. Without a swappable battery, that sorta limits appropriate use. We'll see tho.
Right now, after 1.5 hrs off a charge, and combing through K9 for settings, BadA$$ Monitor says 86% Battery. 10:44 left w/3 hrs of talk time available. Having made no calls, screen and apps have drawn most, (screen turned as low as can be btw), Apps are next with "Kernel" making the big draw.
I have charged it a few times now turned off and that seems to have helped. BadA$$ "just now" with the last charge went from saying an AVG of 10 hrs to 14 hrs. Maybe it's learning the usage more, maybe the internal meter is getting conditioned. Dunno. We''ll see how it "actually" lasts.
Thanks again for the great comments and input. I really hope to keep this unit. Albeit I long for a swappable battery. I guess I'm paranoid or have a phobia. Hopefully technology changes and they offer something outstanding like this unit in a replaceable battery form.
More input is always welcome. I'm finding this Razr MAxx to be quite a different animal than my old Androids I've had the last 4yrs. Lots of quirks.