Thats what made the device and presentation stand-out for me. This was a truly unique Android presentation in my opinion. We are no longer impressed by specs anymore because there is NOTHING that anyone can release right now that will blow US away. The mention of a Quad Core in 2010 had people dizzy and falling all over themselves, today there is "nothing progressive" about this phone. All the "wow look at that" tech is still a ways off and when that hits we'll be yawning longing for the phone that defy's gravity. It's an endless cycle that leads to letdown. That very mindset is reflected in this thread, and there's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is.
Your average consumer will love what Samsung is doing. It's not a mistake they are the premier Android handset maker in the world. You don't get that way by playing the same old tune like a lot of the manufacturers have been doing. Lets face it, Android has gotten stale and the only thing we all cling to is specs. Samsung has just flipped that paradigm on it's head and has introduced some personality to Android. HTC and Motorola are struggling perhaps they should take a page out of Sammy's hippie, lsd induced crazy talk to spark some interest in their handsets
EDIT: Sony is looking fantastic if you are looking to buy a handset from them. Not only because of the hardware but the support they are going to offer is second to none.They are on the ball.