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Samsung Galaxy S III Officially Announced

I waited to see this phone, now I have and my gnex is on the way...even if it does come to verizon I personally don't find it is much of an upgrade over the nexus.

No quad-core (on vzwireless), no HD SAMOLED+, and hardware buttons taking up the whole front yard.
prime said:
I waited to see this phone, now I have and my gnex is on the way...even if it does come to verizon I personally don't find it is much of an upgrade over the nexus.

No quad-core (on vzwireless), no HD SAMOLED+, and hardware buttons taking up the whole front yard.

Yessss, hopefully we'll see you work your kernel magic on the gnex, I'd love to see a kernel where you can set custom speeds (if possible on the gnex)...at any rate I'd like to see what performance and battery life you can bring
I just do not understand this mindset....
Great features...
But not good because the phone is ugly....
Uh...if the phone was better looking would you pick up more women?
Is an ugly phone going to keep you from getting that big promotion??
I want features and more importantly RECEPTION!!
Why would I care for one second how the phone looks??
I just don't get it....

Sorry, I just like things that are pleasing to my eye and fit who I am. I drive something I like because it suits my personality. I use golf clubs that inspire confidence before I even take a single swing. I generally run a custom midtower with a nice glowing power supply because I like cleanliness with a little kick to it. I like a phone that feels like the designers had some clue about what they were doing.

I don't care about octacore, billions of megs of ram, or a camera that lets you take accurate x-rays of patients while checking your gmail. I was simply looking forward to a phone that was optimized for ICS, would run custom Roms easily and well, had good battery, and wouldn't feel out of place every time that I look at it. The GSIII may miss on only one of these points, but it's my money and I won't spend it on something that I won't be satisfied with. My Droid 2 isn't perfect, but it was worth every cent paid. Hey, if you want me to have one so badly buy me one and I'll gladly test it out, but this phone does absolutely nothing for me aesthetically.

Seriously, so many of us here mod our phones to give it the look we want, so why is it so hard to believe that some people want a phone that pleases the eye? Why would I take the time to make lockscreens and homescreens that just feel like "me" and then have to look at hardware that just makes me want to put it down? This phone is not for me, period, and I feel like beyond the expected 12mp camera hype and all that, it just does not fit with the idea of a device that rivals the iPhone or anything else for beauty. Sony has some great looking devices coming out, and I'm still holding out hope for HTC as I said earlier.

I said nothing about being concerned about how other people view me because of the phone I have anywhere previously, did I? Did I say anything about needing it to get me ahead in life? Not sure why it's so hard for you to understand that some people want the total package, but that's just how it is so deal with it and stop trying to debase my argument with your hyperbole.
so there are a few of you that have said the one x looks more appealing but havent really said why except that htc sense > touchwiz which i agree... but other than that, why are some people stating the one x looks like a all around better phone than this one? and lastly why say you would rather pick up the one x over the GS3? when and correct me if im wrong the one X will never see big red

i dont think theres a single phone out there that will sway me enough to switch carriers... especially since im grandfathered in with the unl data plan... imo if people are due for a upgrade right now, this would be a nice upgrade if what you have right now is older than a year... i bought the thunderbolt on launch day and ive been somewhat in the middle about it... im hoping that when and if this is available for verizon it will cover all those problems i am having right now and if it does i wont mind locking another 2yr contact..
champaned_out said:
so there are a few of you that have said the one x looks more appealing but havent really said why except that htc sense > touchwiz which i agree... but other than that, why are some people stating the one x looks like a all around better phone than this one? and lastly why say you would rather pick up the one x over the GS3? when and correct me if im wrong the one X will never see big red

i dont think theres a single phone out there that will sway me enough to switch carriers... especially since im grandfathered in with the unl data plan... imo if people are due for a upgrade right now, this would be a nice upgrade if what you have right now is older than a year... i bought the thunderbolt on launch day and ive been somewhat in the middle about it... im hoping that when and if this is available for verizon it will cover all those problems i am having right now and if it does i wont mind locking another 2yr contact..

I don't think the One X is coming to VZ either. I was hoping for it so that way I had the option to choose between the top 2 contenders (Cotto vs Mayweather) on one network. If rumor holds true that the SGS3 is slotted to goto VZ. Then, I'm ok with that.
??? said:
in before he says something made my moto

I like the blue

Lol just caught this..yessir on the blue. Personally, both colors look great. If they gave me the white one, Im not gonna complain.
I wan't the GS3 or the next HTC Flagship Phone but I doubt HTC can beat the GS3 in the next 3 months.:happy3:
cereal killer said:
Thats what made the device and presentation stand-out for me. This was a truly unique Android presentation in my opinion. We are no longer impressed by specs anymore because there is NOTHING that anyone can release right now that will blow US away. The mention of a Quad Core in 2010 had people dizzy and falling all over themselves, today there is "nothing progressive" about this phone. All the "wow look at that" tech is still a ways off and when that hits we'll be yawning longing for the phone that defy's gravity. It's an endless cycle that leads to letdown. That very mindset is reflected in this thread, and there's nothing wrong with it. It is what it is.

Your average consumer will love what Samsung is doing. It's not a mistake they are the premier Android handset maker in the world. You don't get that way by playing the same old tune like a lot of the manufacturers have been doing. Lets face it, Android has gotten stale and the only thing we all cling to is specs. Samsung has just flipped that paradigm on it's head and has introduced some personality to Android. HTC and Motorola are struggling perhaps they should take a page out of Sammy's hippie, lsd induced crazy talk to spark some interest in their handsets :)

EDIT: Sony is looking fantastic if you are looking to buy a handset from them. Not only because of the hardware but the support they are going to offer is second to none.They are on the ball.

Fanboy rant...... Lol Sammy is not that impressive here in the states worst reception of the big 3 flimsy cheep feeling product back covers that feel like there going to snap in half when u remove the battery.. over saturated screen to me atleast some ppl like it.. and a extremely poor UI And what i really really don't get is every1 ragging on HTC for the so called same looking phones??? Have u looked at the s1 s2 and s3 and every other Sammy phone. Or maybe the droid x1 x2 and bionic they all look the same.. I'm kidding about the fanboy but stand by my other statements killer what exactly did this bring to the table that was supposed to wow. us nothing at all its the same old Sammy looking phone with nothing shocking in it and a straight up UGLY back cover and UI!!! Now I'm reading about the lg lte2 and laughing at the s3!!!
According to this video, an LTE version won't hit the US until December. Very conservative estimate, but it's spot on with what I thought- 1 full year after the Nexus we'll see this phone.


Also, I expect this means we won't be getting the next Nexus. For some reason, Verizon can't carry both the Galaxy and Nexus phones- whatever.
npro1464 said:
According to this video, an LTE version won't hit the US until December. Very conservative estimate, but it's spot on with what I thought- 1 full year after the Nexus we'll see this phone.

YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=U-4hE5u7_7k

Also, I expect this means we won't be getting the next Nexus. For some reason, Verizon can't carry both the Galaxy and Nexus phones- whatever.

UK gets theirs at the end of this month. US is looking to get theirs in the mid late summer.
I don't factor in the UI, as that can always be changed by the user. I refer to the physical appearance of the phone. The One X just has a really sleek and clean look.

so there are a few of you that have said the one x looks more appealing but havent really said why except that htc sense > touchwiz which i agree... but other than that, why are some people stating the one x looks like a all around better phone than this one? and lastly why say you would rather pick up the one x over the GS3? when and correct me if im wrong the one X will never see big red

i dont think theres a single phone out there that will sway me enough to switch carriers... especially since im grandfathered in with the unl data plan... imo if people are due for a upgrade right now, this would be a nice upgrade if what you have right now is older than a year... i bought the thunderbolt on launch day and ive been somewhat in the middle about it... im hoping that when and if this is available for verizon it will cover all those problems i am having right now and if it does i wont mind locking another 2yr contact..
??? I've never had radio issues on my galaxy nexus...

Many people including myself have returned their nexus for this reason. I dont trust sammy's quality control after having many devices (not just phones) fail shortly after purchase. Maybe I just have bad luck!

Mek's X
I waited to see this phone and though it looks like good specs, Verizon's will be different. I think I will be picking up a Nexus soon. The camera will be way better than my DroidX's camera and my DX is getting very old. I have a huge cluster of dead pixels on the screen and the battery doesn't last for squat anymore. I really want to hold out to for the Galaxy Journal, but I do feel I need to replace my phone. I don't think my phone will last until June and that is only a rumor of when the Journal will be released. No date has ever been announced. I was hoping it would have been yesterday.