so i haven't followed the x one till now that its being shown side by side, cause i'm in contract with the gnex. but am i right in seeing that the x one has a 1800ma battery and its not removable?
anyone buying that phone has got to be nuts, or isn't a power user at all and sits at a desk where it can be on charge all day. if you're following the boards, i don't think you fall under a user that will get much use out of a huge screen any 1800ma without being able to carry spare batteries on a lte phone. i have 2 2100ma batteries to make it thru a normal day on a gnex. any phone with a tiny battery seems totally useless, besides something like the maxx. this one at least has some hope of being a worth while phone.
thats hoping the lte one gets a bigger than 2100 battery and not a super hump aftermarket. other than that, almost everyone here will root and run a stock based rom without all the bloat, wiz or sense. so why am i reading all this hate towards the gs3 vrs x one? it just doesn't make sense. i mean if you already own a x one and in contract for 2 years like i am on my nexus. than yeah i could see it not being worth the swap, but really, how can you see some pics, look at some specs and not think its pretty much at least as good as the x one. you might like one over the other, but a phone with a replacable battery and a 64gig sd card being a epic fail over another phone seems odd. oh wait, ones matte white and ones gloss white? is that it?
is this some kinda htc fanboi stuff that building within android? htc people vs moto vs samsung? all hating on each others phone for no valid reason?
if i was in the market, i'd wait to pass judgment on looks till i've seen one in person and what cases are out for them. cause it will be the case you see and feel