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Sapphire and battery issues

Look I opened this thread

to give people some options that are having battery issues
i don't care if you are not having issues
so please don't post things like
"I'm not having battery issues" or "my battery life is great"
these post are worthless if you don't provide info on how
you are getting these results
tbh its a bit rude to deem a post "worthless" but I'm not trying to rub you the wrong way

As for me I'm messing with some settings to see if I get better batt. life uninstalling SetCPU all together and using the UI in GEM settings. My rationale is/was that the SetCPU Profiles process was a bit of a resource hog. Someone tell me if I'm wrong.

I'm a bit hesitant to have all data turned off for the sake of extending my battery life. I would also think that Juice Defender has a noticeable memory footprint as well. IDK xD

On a side note..Tweaking this phone is sooooo much fun but I'm starting to feel as though I want to just settle with a good ROM and good kernel (subjective I know) and use the phone... i need to shake this horrible thought off ;)
Look I opened this thread

to give people some options that are having battery issues
i don't care if you are not having issues
so please don't post things like
"I'm not having battery issues" or "my battery life is great"
these post are worthless if you don't provide info on how
you are getting these results

I'm bored at work and was just posting for the sake of posting...sue me...jeez touchy people today
Im not trying to be rude

but that is how you end up with 50 page threads filled with one liner's
and yes for the most part useless.

as for the footprint of ultimate juice or juice plotter they are very small
and use very little memory.

I wasn't commenting directly about you your last comment about the 125 vs 250 kernels was very helpful as I was experiencing this stuttering with the 125 and could not figure out what it was tell you mentioned it. flashing a 250 now.

what i was commenting about was simply one line responses that basically give no back ground or info.

for example if you opened a thread on how to make home made pizza
and people would post "pizza sucks" or "my moms pizza is the best" those are worthless to you because they don't explain why it sucks or why the moms pizza is the best. I hope you can see what i'm trying to say
here is a little

breakdown of how the ultimate juice app works.
you can select when, how, and how long your data is turned off
you can select to auto connect to a wifi when available rather than the 3g
you can select peak times to have your data on when in sleep and when to turn it off you can have certain apps with in your droid be exempt from this in the app setting you can have it scale your cpu if your wish (i do not)
the app is very extensive and works very well it can be customized to your liking if you so desire.
here is a little

breakdown of how the ultimate juice app works.
you can select when, how, and how long your data is turned off
you can select to auto connect to a wifi when available rather than the 3g
you can select peak times to have your data on when in sleep and when to turn it off you can have certain apps with in your droid be exempt from this in the app setting you can have it scale your cpu if your wish (i do not)
the app is very extensive and works very well it can be customized to your liking if you so desire.

Hmmmm as with everything android, there are two or more opposing camps on juice defender... But i'm going to take a look at it might as well :) Thanks for the tip
here is a little

breakdown of how the ultimate juice app works.
you can select when, how, and how long your data is turned off
you can select to auto connect to a wifi when available rather than the 3g
you can select peak times to have your data on when in sleep and when to turn it off you can have certain apps with in your droid be exempt from this in the app setting you can have it scale your cpu if your wish (i do not)
the app is very extensive and works very well it can be customized to your liking if you so desire.

I've considered using Juice Defender/Ultimate Juice several times. I install it and then refrain from using it because I like to be connected to Google Talk at all times. Ultimate Juice kicks me off Google Talk when it disables the APN, and it doesn't automatically sign back in unless I try opening the application again.

I wouldn't mind turning off my internet for everything else =/
Mushrooms on Droid make cloudy screen.

I used JD for a bit, increased slightly, but overall I took it back off, re-evaluating with latest kernal ...
I found that I don't get good battery life on any rom, rooted or unrooted. Its just the battery that Motorola gave us.
Hello All

For those of you using sapphire and having battery issues. first things first
from what I've been able to find it points to the general design of Froyo not just sapphire. I came from using Bugless Beast éclair (2.1) to froyo (0.4) to sapphire and the battery life was way better in 2.1 now that being said. Im not about to switch back to 2.1 for a few more hrs of battery life. So i went on a quest and found a solution for sapphire and BB froyo builds and this should work for any foryo rom.

First I located a battery app called Ultimate-juice/Juice-defender on the market
now this app didn't work for Verizon phones or froyo when I read reviews but the dev fixed both issues and it works great. the biggest advantage to this app is it can be set to shut down all radios on your phone when in sleep (IE no 3G, bluetooth, or wireless) the cell radio still works so you can still recieve calls and texts. this app was getting me 14hrs of heavy use out of my stock standard Battery vs the 20 to 25hrs of heavy usage on my stock extended battery (will get to this in a min).

Second was to get an app called JuicePlotter same dev as previous app
this app provides a graphic log of battery use and it is very accurate

third I went to a LV kernel and got rid of setcpu and let the built in cpu engine in gem settings take over and selected to the new interactive governor. I lose the ability to have profile like in setcpu but I find the built in controller does a more efficient job.

and last but not least i purchased the extended battery for the droid 2 from Verizon and yes it works for the droid 1 and no the original droid battery cover will not fit and yes it comes with a new cover that works on the droid 1 and no it is not black and yes it is blue like the droid 2. and yes the OG droid correctly reads the extended battery both charge and temp.

with this setup im getting 20 to 25hrs of heavy usage. lots of web surfing several widgets 6 home screens lots of apps. Pandora for several hrs tons i mean hundreds of texts and emails. and my phone goes from 100 % at 7am to 20% at around 11pm it still has several hrs left of life at that point but i usually do not so I charge it and go to bed.

the one exception to this setup has been flash running flash videos really eats battery life and heats up the device as well. Flash has been great just not a big fan of it so far i think its to intensive for such tiny devices.

Must be nice to get that kind of battery life. I can charge mine to 100% and get up the next morning and be at 80% with no gps on no wifi and no Google update on. I have it set a 800 mghz.