Sbf on the way

It shows in the Market for me...not sure why it wouldn't be the same from Europe or most other locations.
If you can't use the downloader then just wait another day or so until it's posted on MDW with links to RSD Lite 4.9 and current drivers.

OK, I need to ask you a question, and you can PM me if you see so fit. I saw this post the second it was published, and immediately jumped on the download link knowing that it would be taken down shortly after. I got it from here:

I know it is wrong to use, but I did donate to TBH back with my Droid X. Can you PLEASE tell me if this is the SBF from the TBH app? I'm desperate man, leaving for Canada tomorrow and won't be near a computer for a week. If this is the real deal, please tell me.
Thanks, and hope you understand:)
Taken from here:


1. Take your cable and cut off one of the ends, leaving a standard USB plug at the opposite end to plug into your computer.

2. Now you need to strip about and inch of the wire off until you get to the core where you should see 4 colored wires (red, black, white, and green). The colors don't really matter and they may vary, just as long as you can see a red wire and a black wire.

3. Strip off about a quarter inch of the rubber sleeving on the red and black cables, exposing the actual metal wire.

4. Twist the metal strands of each of the wires a couple of times so that all of the wires from the black cable are together and all of the wires from the red cable are together. This is just to make sure that you don't create a short circuit.

5. Here's where it gets a little tricky. You are going to use this cable to make the phone think the battery is fully charged, when in fact you will just be powering the phone using the power from the USB port. Pull out the battery on your phone and find the 4 exposed metal slots (the battery terminals).

6. Each of the far terminals should be labeled with a plus (+) or a minus (-). What you need to do is put exposed leads on the red wire up to the positive terminal and the leads of the black wire up to the negative terminal.

With credit to csealpcr for posting it and whoever came up with it in the first place. :D

Dear furbearingmammal,

I followed up your instruction to over come my battery problem (empty). I then flashed my phone with the sbf file. However, when it succeed, the battery icon became black and I when I charge it the phone warning that "Your device is invalid and cannot be charged. Replace the battery with an original Motorola battery". Could you please guide me how solve this issue.
It sounds like you have a fried battery. Unfortunately they happen from time to time. You should buy a new one. I know they can be had for between $5 and $10US.
It sounds like you have a fried battery. Unfortunately they happen from time to time. You should buy a new one. I know they can be had for between $5 and $10US.

Although the battery icon become back/gray but in Battery Manager I saw there was 80% of power and after 30 minutes using it had remained about 60%. So it seem that the battery still has operated but it couldn't charge. Is it a state of fried battery?
If the battery cannot charge then you have a problem. I am not familiar enough with the Droid 2 Global to be able to say what would fix this problem.
BP bypass Error.

I tried the SBF wid the RSDlite thing and now I keep getting this error, then my phone is stuck on "SW Update in Progress". It stays like that then I have to take the battery out and when it loads it says "code corrupt" tells me the battery is okay, but won't do anything and I continue to get the error. I had the 3.4.3 or w.e OTA update and now I don't know what to do!! Please Help, I'm panicking.