Those of you that have been bricked for a while and are having trouble with the battery being drained, here's what I did to make it work.
As you know you can't charge the battery unless the phone is powered up. If you've been stuck on the M logo for a long time, it drains your battery. My phone has been bricked over a month and my battery was dead. So what I ended up doing was grabbing an extra usb cable I had lying around and cutting it in half (You want the half of the cable that connects to your computer). Now from the spliced end of the cable, expose the black and red cables. The black is (-) negative and the red is (+) positive. Plug the USB side to your computer (make sure none of the exposed cables aren't touching!!! You can damage your computer!!!) Then take the red cable and touch it on the (+)positive terminal of the battery and take the black cable and touch it on the (-)negative terminal. I did this for 2 minutes at a time. After 2 mins I would check with a multimeter how much charge the battery had. I charged mine to about 3.84 volts and that did the trick. I was able to SBF without a problem and now my battery is being charged by the phone.
PLEASE do not over charge your battery! It can explode and cause injury!!! I don't suggest anyone do this without a multimeter. I charged it 4 times at 2 mins each time. So I charged it for about 8mins. Probably safe to charge a totally dead battery for 8 mins.
If you're going to do this, please be careful! There is no overcharge protection! If the battery starts to smoke or if you smell anything, stop immediately. Be smart. Don't leave it charging on it's own. Keep your eye on it for any changes.
Actually, don't do this. Just go out and buy an external charger.

Don't want the guilt of someone killing their computer or burning their face!