screen wont rotate

On the issue of auto-rotate, I have the car docking station for my Motorola Droid and usually have the map/traffic displayed in landscape mode. Sometimes, when I hit a small bump, the map will go into portrait mode, even through the Droid is in a landscape orientation.

It may take 5 to 10 seconds for the phone/map to return to landscape mode. This is annoying. Does this happen to others? Any comments?

As was answered in your other post, The accelerometer is being tricked but the sudden jolt into thinking the phone was rotated.....
for those of you who say it doesnt rotate, i finally have proof that it did auto rotate

Yes.. and I am sitting next to my uncle at this very second and looking at his Droid.. and his screen will auto rotate and mine will not. We got them and activated them at the exact same time.
That picture has been floating around the internet for a while. Can easily be faked by closing the keyboard and taking a photo due to the slight lag. I really want to see a video cause I don't think it ever worked this way.
That picture has been floating around the internet for a while. Can easily be faked by closing the keyboard and taking a photo due to the slight lag. I really want to see a video cause I don't think it ever worked this way.
wow r u serious...the fact that there is a 100 page thread about this on motorola forum and ppl confirming it used to work doesnt cut it...even motorola said that it did work
Any home replacement can allow the auto rotate in landscape (home screen) and most roms will. Until there is video proof of a stock Droid doing it, its all mistaken users.
Any home replacement can allow the auto rotate in landscape (home screen) and most roms will. Until there is video proof of a stock Droid doing it, its all mistaken users.

Um, no. I wasn't mistaken. This wasn't an issue of I heard that supposedly the home screen didn't auto rotate unless the keyboard was out and then jumped in with "it did for me". I was sitting at home, playing with my Droid, turned the screen expecting it to rotate and it didn't. I very, very rarely use my keyboard and I know I'm not imagining this. After being confused why my homescreen no longer rotated, I did a search and found out that people are claiming that it never happened.

Sorry, there are a lot of us who say it did, and some say it still does. I don't know why people think we're making this up.

What's worse is, it's such a dumb thing and I don't know why I'm irritated about this. I guess I don't like being called 'mistaken' or a liar when I know what I, and many others, have seen.
Any home replacement can allow the auto rotate in landscape (home screen) and most roms will. Until there is video proof of a stock Droid doing it, its all mistaken users.

here is a post from MATT at MOTOROLA FORUMS stating that due to the length of the original thread he had to make a new one...

He says "the current rotation scheme is not a bug, but a decision." I read that as it was designed to not rotate. Tons of people have claimed to have seen bigfoot, but I still don't believe that is real.
He says "the current rotation scheme is not a bug, but a decision." I read that as it was designed to not rotate. Tons of people have claimed to have seen bigfoot, but I still don't believe that is real.
well there have been many BIGFOOT SIGHTINGS as well as ppl's DROID being able to autorotate...why else would there be and AUTO ROTATE option??...and i doubt that someone was QUICK ENOUGH to precisely capture what you call the lag between the droid AUTO ROTATING due to apps
The auto rotate option is to prevent other apps from rotating. My Ipod Touch does not rotate on the home screen.

Below is my first try at capturing this. Hey, I guess I can say my droid now rotates on the home screen!

The auto rotate option is to prevent other apps from rotating. My Ipod Touch does not rotate on the home screen.

Below is my first try at capturing this. Hey, I guess I can say my droid now rotates on the home screen!

lmao ...that most likely is an APP allowing you enough time to do that