Stephie Marie
You're not goin nowhere, pretty much stuck with me now buddy. Lol. So if I change my launcher I can switch the # of screens but wont be able to use the icons I want, or I stay with 7 obnoxiously unnecessary screens but get the look I want is what ur telling me? That makes sense cause I dl'd open home and didn't dig the lay out so I removed it. Im assuming that was a launcher now... ? So the basics is that w each launcher there's certain looks, or I can do what I want mixing stuff up on my stock? Sorry if this is annoying but I reallllly appreciate u steppin up n helpin me. Sigh.
~ Sent from my Droid 2 ~
Haha alright. If you switch launchers you can change and number of screens AND change your icons more easily. You can do both. But, you can also change the icons with the stock launcher but you can't change the number of screens. With other launchers you can also change how many icons are in the dock(up to 4/5 or 12 split through 3 scrollable docks). And yes, that was a luncher. LP and ADW are the most popular and SweeterHome has a lot of customization. You can mix stuff up on your stock launcher but it's a bit more limited than if you have a secondary. And no, you're fine. I like helping people out on here.
Ok I understand everything ur sayin so far. Yay. Well since I told u what I want to do, and ur the pro here, I'm totally ok with u dictating what I should do. I think I rather go with dl'n a launcher so I'll have less screens, I'm sure I'll find icons and stuff I like. (Then once I figure this out I can ask u other quirky things of less importance I noticed).
~ Sent from my Droid 2 ~