Screenshots of peoples Droid desktops?

My Current setup.Getting loads of rain where i'm at :\


remember that creative block that I was telling you guys about? Well here's probably one of my worst shots in a while (excluding my last one, that was horrible lol). I"ll post it here because i'm *hoping* somebody will make a suggestion of some sort that will actually allow me to create something I like.. :) so basically, prepare yourselves folks! this wont be pretty


Today's...I know it's been done before...but I like it

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and you say youre on a creative block? I love that shot! excellent:icon_ banana:

I like your style, it's very unique but eye pleasing.
looks like somebody learned a new response! ;)

hahaha Always got to try something new!!

baby steps my friend ;)

btw, any suggestions for my set up (4 posts up) I can't get anything that I like..

Indeed :)

Not a big fan of the wallpaper but I do like the clock/calendar look inside the box... maybe a little smaller on the sms unread icons

Like the lockscreen though and the reflection on the dock but maybe change up the icons to 2 horizontal lines