Screenshots of peoples Droid desktops?


Just a quick update,

I have added 440 new wallpapers to the "minimal section of my dropbox"

Now we have over 500 Wallpapers on that section and around close to 2,000 Wallpapers in all 6 sections.

So stop by the blog and check out the "dropboxes" link you may like one or 2 of them for sure.

and just in case someone ask, yes I have more to add, but that will be sometime maybe next weekend.


AWESOME!! Many thanks... love the site too!
small change...

Would love to see a screenshot. I have default facebook (which is TOO BIG), weather bug, and sports on one screen. Not much real estate, as I want a widget for RSS feeds.
Today's shots. Details here(Custom-Android) and/or here(XDA).

VERY NICE!! I like it a lot... wish I knew how to edit .psd :(

Thank you:) Appreciate it! Grab the PS CS5 30-day trial and edit it. It's pretty simple. You just can't use them on Gimp and that's what I used and I used up my trial a while back. Ironically, before I got into really editing stuff haha.

Thanks for the help! worked great...


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