Screenshots of peoples Droid desktops?

Alright, pardon my naivety but I have discovered that all of the screenshots I am loving are all made with something referred to as "widgetlocker" however, when I went to a link provided it did not seem like the same process as downloading and flashing a simple rom. Anyone want to enlighten me as to....well, everything! :) Thanks!
Alright, pardon my naivety but I have discovered that all of the screenshots I am loving are all made with something referred to as "widgetlocker" however, when I went to a link provided it did not seem like the same process as downloading and flashing a simple rom. Anyone want to enlighten me as to....well, everything! :) Thanks!

Well, widgetlocker isn't a ROM, it's an app. You can find it in the market...I think it's like $2 or something like that...then there are mods posted on XDA that you can apply to make different looks...if you need the link to that just let us know...
Yea we got a walmart and a museum and lots of corn fields

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Changed it a bit again...



Sent from my Liberated D2G
I always wanted to give those Silver Grey icons I obtained quite some time ago a try and this seems to be the best way. Stock Black Board theme for HTC Sense 2.0