Screenshots of peoples Droid desktops?


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I like the icons

Sent from a SuperClean Galaxy far, far away.
I always wanted to give those Silver Grey icons I obtained quite some time ago a try and this seems to be the best way. Stock Black Board theme for HTC Sense 2.0

NICE! I've been thinking the same thing since I stole those from you. LOL!
I gotta play with gimp.. I love those icons all except the borders seem a bit "bright" to me on my DX. I'd love to tweak them a bit. Don't know if you can do that with a png or not, but I'm sure I'll give it a try.
Thanks. I'm so fickle it changes a lot lol

Sent from a SuperClean Galaxy far, far away.
Got it from Zedge. Its one of the newer ones if you want it.

The colors are easy to work with :)

Sent from a SuperClean Galaxy far, far away.
Made a different version of my dock. Kind of bored, someone needs to come out with an awesome new widget or something. :D
