I don't have any screenshots but I can tell you what I currently have on each of my 7 screens:
Girlfriend | Social | Other | Main | Empty | "Fun Page" | Settings
Girlfriend - I have a simple screen set up for my GF. It has three 2x2 photos of her, as well as two "Countdown Widgets", for our anniversary and her birthday. I also have a notepad that I use to keep tract of clothing and jewelry sizes.
Social - This is pretty straight-forward: it includes a 4x2 Facebook Widget and a 4x1 Twitter widget. Along the top row I have Facebook for Android, Messenger, Twitter for Android, and a folder for any other social apps and bookmarks I may add in the future.
Other - Google Search bar and some folders filled with other apps I use on a regular basis, but not enough to be on my homepage. I also have these folders: "Android", "Business", "Travel", and "Utilities".
Main - A large flip clock that takes up 4x2 and some apps that I use constantly: Contacts, Dolphin Browser, Email, Messaging, etc as well as a 1x1 battery widget.
"Fun Page" - A name I have given to a page containing games and other entertainment stuff. I have a 2x2 photo widget that I constantly change between different anime/cartoon pictures. I have a 4x1 music widget along the bottom and a few apps: Camera, Gallery, YouTube, and Pandora. I also have two folders here: Gaming and Entertainment. Pretty straight-forward.
Settings - The last page is just filled with "settings" apps such as Astro, App Lock, Folder Organizer, Uninstaller, etc, and some quick-toggle widgets.